Act as a Matter bridge

Great project!

Is there a plan to allow Home Assistant to act as a Matter bridge?

This will allow other UIs to be used while still enjoying the amazing variety of integration and add ons

Have you looked at the feature set of 2023.1? …the preliminaries are in there. So you don’t really need a feature request…

Yea I did but the release only talk about being able to connect matter devices to Home Assistant, what I’m asking is different:

Let non matter devices be “exported” as matter through Home Assistant so other UIs can be used (such as Apple Home app (I know I can use the HomeKit integration but it never worked for me well))

Maybe I’m not using the terms correctly and instead of “hub” I should have said “bridge” or “gateway”?


You are asking about a Matter bridge.

This feature would make the difficult self-hosted Google Home and Alexa setup obsolete. While nabucasa would suffer from the decreased revenue, from an open-source point of view it would be one of the most important features possible. Any updates or open source developers who know how to implement it?


Hi, I’m developing a Node-RED plug-in that allows this, it’s not natively integrated with Home Assistant but you can use the Home Assistant nodes to write a functional integration.

The plug-in is @node-red-matter/node-red-matter on the palettes manager.


Would be so great if this is implemented in Home Assitant.

Btw. Homee already has this feature:

Mediola also: mediola mit weltweit erster zertifizierter Matter Multi-Protokoll Bridge - mediola - connected living AG

This feature would also allow us to expose ESPHome devices as Matter endpoints without having to implement Matter in ESPHome itself. This means they can be used in Alexa / Google Assistant routines locally, without having to expose your HA instance to the internet.

Tasmota already has this feature: Matter - Tasmota


This is amazing. Would live to see this in HA.

Would this work in the same way as the Hue Bridge emulation? i.e switches only or does Matter support full functionality?

If the latter, I would love to see this in HA. In a way, I think this is only logical if HA is to be the centre of the smart home.

Im actually working on precisely this type of integration (HA exposed as a Matter bridge) since quite some time!


What is the state of your development? Anything functional? Do you have a Github repo?