🔔 Actionable notifications for Android

check if your notify service didnt change

Any chance anyone know how to get the Notification Channel working with this blueprint? I’ve modified it a bunch of different ways and I cannot get it to work. I feel like what I have here looks right, but I’m no expert.

  name: Test2
  description: 'Send actionable notifications to an Android device
  domain: automation
      name: Device to notify
      description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive
          integration: mobile_app
          multiple: false
      name: Trigger entity
      description: Send the notification when this boolean turns on
          domain: input_boolean
          multiple: false
      name: Notification title (Optional)
      description: The title of the notification
      default: ''
      name: Notification message (Optional)
      description: The message of the notification
      default: ''
      name: Notification tag (Optional)
      description: The tag of the notification
      default: ''
      name: Notification channel (Optional)
      description: The channel of the notification
      default: ''
      name: Notification timeout (Optional)
      description: Length of time the notification is displayed
      default: ''
      name: Create persistent notification?
      description: Persistent notifications cannot be dimissed by swiping away
      default: false
        boolean: {}
      name: First action name
      description: Name of the first button
      default: ''
      name: URI for action 1 (Optional)
      description: Optional URI for the first action
      default: ''
      name: Action 1
      description: Action to run when the first action is clicked
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Second action name
      description: Name of the second button
      default: ''
      name: URI for action 1 (Optional)
      description: Optional URI for the second action
      default: ''
      name: Action 2
      description: Action to run when the second action is clicked"
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: Third action name
      description: Name of the third button
      default: ''
      name: URI for action 3 (Optional)
      description: Optional URI for the third action
      default: ''
      name: Action 3
      description: Action to run when the third action is clicked
      default: []
        action: {}
  source_url: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/actionable-notifications-for-android/256773
mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent
  notify_device: !input 'notify_device'
  trigger_entity: !input 'trigger_entity'
  notification_title: !input 'notification_title'
  notification_message: !input 'notification_message'
  notification_tag: !input 'notification_tag'
  notification_channel: !input 'notification_channel'
  notification_timeout: !input 'notification_timeout'
  persistent_notification: !input 'persistent_notification'
  action_1_title: !input 'action_1_title'
  action_1_uri: !input 'action_1_uri'
  first_action: !input 'first_action'
  action_2_title: !input 'action_2_title'
  action_2_uri: !input 'action_2_uri'
  second_action: !input 'second_action'
  action_3_title: !input 'action_3_title'
  action_3_uri: !input 'action_3_uri'
  third_action: !input 'third_action'
  platform: state
  entity_id: !input 'trigger_entity'
  from: 'off'
  to: 'on'
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
  entity_id: !input 'trigger_entity'
- domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  device_id: !input 'notify_device'
  title: '{{ notification_title }}'
  message: '{{ notification_message }}'
    tag: '{{ notification_tag }}'
    timeout: '{{ notification_timeout }}'
    persistent: '{{ persistent_notification }}'
      channel: '{{ notification_channel }}'
    actions: "{% set titles = [action_1_title, action_2_title, action_3_title] %}\
      \ {% set uris = [action_1_uri, action_2_uri, action_3_uri] %} {% set actions\
      \ = namespace(data = []) %}\n{% for title in titles %}\n  {% if title|length\
      \ %}\n    {% set uri = uris[loop.index - 1] %}\n    {% set action_name = \"\
      action\" + loop.index|string %}\n    {% set action = {\n      \"action\": \"\
      URI\" if uri|length else action_name,\n      \"title\": title,\n      \"uri\"\
      : uri \n      }\n    %}\n    {% set actions.data = actions.data + [action] %}\n\
      \  {% endif %}\n{% endfor %} {{ actions.data }}\n"
- wait_for_trigger:
    platform: event
    event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
- choose:
  - conditions: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == ''action1'' }}'
    sequence: !input 'first_action'
  - conditions: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == ''action2'' }}'
    sequence: !input 'second_action'
  - conditions: '{{ wait.trigger.event.data.action == ''action3'' }}'
    sequence: !input 'third_action'

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ditch the extra data line and move channel back in line with persistent and actions.

-face palms- I swear I tried that and it didn’t work… But it totally just worked. :clap: Thanks!

Thanks for this blueprint. One question though, is it possible that an action is executed if NO action button is clicked?

I have now made 3 options for the notification, but if neither is chosen, I want something to happen.

Thats a pretty good idea and would be nice to have

very cool with notify group. Can i add a camera image ? I can not add data / image on Push message

If you haven’t figured this out yet, you’re looking for this one: Actionable notifications for Android w/ Cam Snapshot - #10 by ams3401

I tweaked the code for my purposes to allow any entity state as a trigger. I’m no BP expert so check the code but it works for me actioning one of two scripts when the cat door enters curfew mode unexpectedly.

Thanks to @vorion and @hunterjm for their code.

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Could this also be modified to

  • have a “normal” trigger field so you can use every trigger that a normal automation can have?

  • be able to set the notification channel from the BP?

Best regards

I would love to see the same like @aaroneisele55 said.

I would love to select my own trigger, and not be limited to a input boolean.
I just want to send a notification if lights are still on. And then have the option to turn it off with the notification.

totally agree, same for me

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Is there a way to add the custom notification icon the same as other notification/alerts ive tried adding notification_icon:mdi but it doesn’t work.


Awesome work. I was wondering if instead of an input.boolean triggering the automation we could have time based reminders within the blueprint?
At the moment I have to create a reminder automation to set the input.boolean to turn on which in turn then sends this blueprint notification. Frankly it would eliminate the input.boolean and the additional automation.

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I have used this blueprint for quite some time now. But lately i have been seeing some weird behaviour…

Sometimes (maybe everytime) i get a notification and chose some action, it also fires different actions from other automations based on this blueprint ??

Today when i got a notification saying that my car was unlocked after being parked for 5 min. and i choose to lock the car from the notification it also turned off the pellet stove at home :exploding_head: wich is an action i have in a different automation based on this blueprint

Has anyone else noticed this behavior ?

Is there any way to have a pop-up dialog on Android with this? i.e., instead of a notification in the status bar, we get an alert/dialog regardless of which app/home screen you’re on. So it’s easy to click a button like ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and take some action.

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that would need to be handled as a feature request for the app as the functionality does not exist yet, nice suggestion

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ENHANCEMENT - Notification Icon plz?

I like having a little coffee icon with a selectable colour, can we get this in the next release? Thanks!

color: “#967259”
notification_icon: mdi:coffee-off

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ENHANCEMENT - Notification Channels

This will allow for channels to have unique notification sounds etc.

channel: “Coffee Reminder”
importance: max
ledColor: “red”
vibrationPattern: “100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100” # The pattern you wish to set for vibrations
Default values for a channel if not provided will be as follows:

  • Importance: Default which means Default notification importance: shows everywhere, makes noise, but does not visually intrude. High, Medium, Low, None, Urgent
  • Vibration Pattern: Vibration disabled
  • LED Color: LED disabled
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ENHANCEMENT - Visibility

This will allow for channels to have private or public visibility on lock screen

visibility: public, private, secret
timeout: 600 # How many seconds the notification should be received by the device
car_ui: true # To display in Android Auto

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