Great work! I was wondering if the notification could also be a “real announcement”
with a prior beep before alexa speaks. It always frightens me when she suddenly
starts to talk .
As I understand the way “Alexa Actions” work it’s not possible
(please correct me If I am wrong) so I thought of a work around with the
SSML audio tag.
Here my Steps:
The Announcement beep mp3 files are available here:
look for “Alexa sound library for AVS (v1.2)”.
The mp3 file has to be “Alexa-friendly”, which i thought it would be as i downloaded
the “Alexa” sound library from Amazon. But turns out it was not so you have
to convert it following these steps:
I host the mp3 file according to this (S3 Storage is working for me):
Final Step: I put the SSML audio tag in front of my text:
- service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
text: "<audio src='https://YOUR URL TO MP3 FILE'/> The front door has been unlocked for 5 mins, would you like me to lock it?"
event_id: 'actionable_notification_lock_left_unlocked'
alexa_device: 'media_player.living_room_echo'
Now alexa beep before speak. But sometimes she doesn’t and I thought of some problem when she is loading the file and try to give some extra time with a break:
text: "<break time='1s'/> <audio src='https://YOUR URL TO MP3 FILE'/> The front door has been unlocked for 5 mins, would you like me to lock it?"
And now she always beep beep before speak.