Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

Well… This one kept me awake last night. I have another possible explanation… I have Amazon as integration to HA, but I do not have HA integrated to Amazon (If I did I think I would end up with even more duplicates and loops.

I also have my own domain ( and static IP(s) but Use DuckDNS and Ngiinx for simplicity.
I started automation over 30 years ago with X-10 and progressed from there in stages. When ADT came out with Pulse, I was right there and integrated a device or two monthly… Until I was having connection drop outs. The Tech advised me that I had too many devices connected. I purchased Wink II and was transferred almost all of my Z-Wave devices. Then Wink transitioned to a $5 month subscription… Immediately replaced with two SmartThings. The way I look at it and my expectations, is that HA becomes the ultimate server integrating the various hubs and smart devices. I will most likely always be adding more. Currently Alexa can integrate ADT, by HA integration fails and have not figured why (So it’s off the the back burner!). Additionally I had a new heater installed… To the cloud, but I have no idea how to write the API. Anyhow… Alexa also does not see virtual devices… So I may end up using extra switches to signal from Alexa to switch and HA listening for state change… It will work… at least till I figure what is up with the Auth and links. Oh! - you asked about my YAML for Alexa:

## Alexa Media Player Integration
    - email: !secret amazon_user
      password: !secret amazon_password

Did I miss anything?

I think so. For Alexa to get entities from HA you need Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill in addition to the Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

My configuration.yaml:

alexa: !include alexa.yaml


    locale: en-CA
    client_id: amzn1.application-oa2-client.<redacted>
    client_secret: <redacted>
        - light
        - cover
        - lock
#        - fan
        - input_boolean.bedroom_automatic_lights
        - input_boolean.coffee_prepared
        - input_boolean.living_room_automatic_lights
        - input_boolean.sleep_mode
        - script.bought_coffee_filters
        - script.feed_fish
        - script.good_morning
        - script.good_night
        - script.sleep_mode
        - switch.10004e8bc1
        - switch.bedroom_3_plug_2
        - switch.dryer_master_power
        - switch.electric_kettle
        - switch.garage_door_opener
        - switch.node_50
        - switch.washer_master_power
        - media_player.fire_tv_192_168_1_91
        - media_player.living_room_tv
#        - binary_sensor.coffee_brewing
#        - binary_sensor.ecolink_garage_door_tilt_sensor

        - switch.aquarium_devices_*
#        - switch.303175872462ab063340_*
#        - switch.sonoff_*
#        - switch.switchlinc_*
#      exclude_entities:
#        - cover.mqtt_cover
#        - binary_sensor.*motion*
#        - binary_sensor.*occupancy
        - cover.*_hidden
        - light.browser_mod_*
        - light.tagreader_*
#        - media_player.browser_mod_*
#        - sensor.browser_mod_*
#        - sensor.canon_*

        name: "Kitchen Blind 1"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
        name: "Kitchen Blind 2"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
        name: "Kitchen Blind 3"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
        name: "Living Room Blind"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
        name: "Patio Door Blind"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
        name: "Bedroom Blind"
        description: "iBlinds"
        display_categories: INTERIOR_BLIND
#    entity_config:
#      switch.smart_power_plug_switch:
#        name: "Coffee Maker Power"
#        display_categories: SMARTPLUG
#      switch.smart_power_plug_switch_2:
#        name: "Washing Machine Power"
#        display_categories: SMARTPLUG
#      switch.sonoff_inching:
#        name: "Make Coffee"
#        display_categories: COFFEE_MAKER
#      binary_sensor.coffee_brewing:
#        name: "Making coffee"
#        display_categories: OTHER
#      switch.mimolite_switch:
#        name: "Garage Door"
#        display_categories: GARAGE_DOOR
#      binary_sensor.ecolink_garage_door_tilt_sensor:
#        name: "Garage Door"
#        display_categories: CONTACT_SENSOR
#      light.sengled_z01_a19nae26_43100103_level_light_color_on_off:
#        name: "Bedroom Lamp 1"
#        display_categories: LIGHT
#      light.sengled_z01_a19nae26_906c0103_level_light_color_on_off:
#        name: "Bedroom Lamp 2"
#        display_categories: LIGHT
#      switch.nzw30_smart_switch_switch:
#        name: "Porch Light Switch"
#        display_categories: LIGHT
#      switch.appliance_module_zl7201us_switch:
#        name: "Pole Lamp"
#        display_categories: LIGHT
#      lock.zm1702_electronic_deadbolt_door_lock_locked:
#        name: "Front Door Lock"
#        display_categories: SMARTLOCK
#      lock.smartcode_10_touchpad_electronic_deadbolt_locked:
#        name: "Garage Door Lock"
#        display_categories: SMARTLOCK
#      input_boolean.sleep_mode:
#        name: Sleep Mode"
#        display_categories: SCENE_TRIGGER

I also just found this Amazon Alexa Custom Skill which I had not seen before and this one Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing which I will need to explore further!
The above are all liked to from which has changed a lot from last time I was there quite some time ago.

Changed? Like OMG totally different! I made it all they way to ( :exploding_head:Painful :exploding_head: ) the very last step… Tested everything in the AWS Console using the Discovery. All works to that point and responded back with what I believe is everything she has :grin:. But as I said, and you noted Documentation was extremely outdated. So… last step, account linking in the Alexa App (Enable To Use)… :hot_face:, I get the login screen for HA, enter username and password, and authy security token… and I get
“Unable to link Home Assistant with Alexa. We are experiencing a problem connecting with the skill to link your account. You can try linking your account again by visiting the Home Assistant Skill Page.”

Researching everything I can find leads me to believe it is directly related to the Amazon LWA OAuth server because I had the errors in my log forever, but I have no idea how to fix that…

I am convinced the only way to resolve is start over… My question to you, if you recall… When you fist installed Amazon Media, did you start at HACS? All of the documentation I found is at various levels and nothing seems current. Could that be why I am having the errors?

Well, the first thing I installed was the Home Assistant Alexa custom skill integration. This is what populates your HA devices and scripts/scenes into Alexa. Next was Alexa Media Player via HACS which creates your Alexa Echo devices as media players in HA. They are two totally separate processes and are unrelated to each other. Then you need the custom skill Alexa Actionable Notifications which requires a working Alexa Media Player integration (HACS). Without re-reading the posts, I thought you were having trouble with the Home Assistant Alexa custom skill integration not giving you your HA entities in Alexa?

Hello everyone

Has anyone tried it in Spanish?

I did the whole process in both languages (Spanish and English) to try, I also did it with English, adding Spanish… but it doesn’t work, alexa tells me “there was an error managing the response on this device”

someone has the solution?

Thank you so much

Long time no hear (Update). I finally got the Home Skill linked from the Alexa App… Well, I have been troubleshooting since - it broke my Actionable Notifications. Now I am getting authentication errors like you would not believe :cry: I am trying everything I can think of… So far, I have completely deleted HA and built from the ground up (4th time now) Somewhere in the Actionable Notifications is an authentication section. I just don’t recall how to get back there. Wish you well, wish me luck, I will need it.Let you know how things go… Hopefully soon, as you can imagine, I am consumed with trying to get it back on line.

Everyone following this educational thread. I finally have everything solved. Amazon is a strange creature… Even stranger than trying to figure the syntax of HA :smirk:. Until I very slowly followed every step, I did not realize how many keys, F2A, Two-Step, and passwords were actually active. I for one know it is all necessary, because everywhere you lurk someone is trying to disrupt or hack your existence. In authenticating one of the skills work disconnect the other and drive you nuts! The fix: In the app, disable both, Open the Developers console page Amazon Sign-In Review the steps in edit mode updating keys, long time passwords, etc. Then re-link them in the app after saving changes. It was a long and challenging journey. BUT…
Thanks to @dbrunt I can now use both amazon skills to the very fullest ability! I home to see more exciting abilities posted in the forum.
Mine is working!!! What do others do with this exciting feature?

1 Like

Yay! Glad you finally figured it out!


is it not possible to listen to the “ResponseNone” Event?

i tried it with this code

platform: event
event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
  event_id: actionable_notification_firetv_kueche_switch_off
  event_response_type: ResponseNone

but the automation get never triggered when alexa get no answer from me.

here is the automation for the question

service: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
  text: Hallo, Soll ich die Shield ausschalten?
  event_id: actionable_notification_firetv_kueche_switch_off
  alexa_device: media_player.echo_show_kueche

and in the script is everything correct, the ResponseYes works well.

I have the same problem, ResponseNone never seems to work. ResponseYes and ResponseNo work fine, but looking at the trace it seems like the automation just stops if no response is given and it doesn’t proceed with the ResponseNone action.

I’m using Sonos speakers with Alexa as the voice assistant. Could this be a limitation of using Sonos, or should it be able to work correctly?


I get “There was a problem with the requested skill’s response” almost constantly after not having any issues for a few years. I’ve found that sometimes rebooting works, but only sometimes.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve the “There was a problem with the requested skills response” issue?

It is difficult to troubleshoot with out the entire automation file.

One of the last updates changed the way the integration was configured. it is no longer in the configuration.yaml and you must you set up F2A within the configuration and your Amazon Account.

I did some digging in my AWS lambda function logs and every failure has the same error:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1129)')))

Researching that error indicates it may be a proxy error. I’m not seeing any errors in my local HA logs - makes me thing this may be an issue with the Nabu Casa cloud integration?

@gjtaylor72 Boy do I ever feel your pain. I don’t use nabucasa; however I had the same issue. It was the F2A. The difficult part in my opinion is there is not one single source to get your fix. Not being sure what you have already done or what stage you are at… I will share the links and actions that got me operational…

At this stage. I noted all the passwords etc. and removed the integration, including the following from configuration.yaml

#  accounts:
#  - email: !secret amazon_user
#    password: !secret amazon_password
#    url:
#    debug: true

At that time, after a restart, I went back to the integration page clicking + ADD INTEGRATION and searched for Alexa Media Player. At that point I got the configuration form… However, mine, and I think you may have the same issue, would not authenticate… So I opened a trouble ticket on GitHub.

I think after you review the thread you may find your answer or at least enough to have a better understanding… Good luck, let me know if you get there :slight_smile:

Sorry looks like I posted in the wrong thread, this has nothing to do with the Alexa Media Player integration, that is working flawlessly and always has.

My issue is with an Amazon Alexa Custom Skill failing when attempting to execute an intent script via nabucasa.

Hi! Been following this thread and was able to set up the Alexa custom skill required for Actionable Notifications but I guess the issue I’m having is in the home assistant portion with the automations. You mentioned above that the user’s response is contained in the I currently have 3 automations setup. For argument’s sake I’ll call the automations “trigger”, “action1”, “action2”:

  1. Trigger - this is the automation that triggers the script and in my case I use a motion sensor to trigger Alexa to ask me the first question.

  2. Action1 - this automation is triggered by 1st automation and has Alexa asks me a second question if I responded yes in previous automation.

  3. Action2 - this third automation is where the action should actually take place. My possible answers to “Action1” are neither numeric nor a yes or no so I’ve set this up as event_response_type: ResponseString and I wanted to know how I can use the value of (my response from “Action1”) as field in the action section of this automation to actually trigger the response I want.

Not sure of this makes sense, hopefully someone can understand :smiley:

As far as I know that is not a valid event_response_type:.
The documentations specifies the types…

6. ResponseSelection is the closest you’re going to get. I’ve looked at it but I’ve not tried configuring it. From what I recall it’s not for the faint of heart!

I’m waiting for ResponseDate/ResponseTime to get added but not holding my breath!

Thank you so much for your response! I will be taking a closer look going at it ResponseSelection route and will report back if I am successful. This thing has so much potential I think with some slight tweaking it can be even more powerful.