Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

Same problem here. I have read some users using duck DNS have the same issues. Personally, I am running the Nginx plugin in Home Assistant to get SSL, have no problems linking the skill, but still receive the “There was a problem with the requested skill’s response” message.

EDIT - SOLUTION: Add the two files language_strings.json and to the lambda folder. Thanks to @lakefire on GitHub for the solution!

Thanks for the example!
This works really well until I have more than one event_id as the Node Red all event node responds to any alexa_actionable_notification. Is there a way to have the switch compare the event_id as well as the event_responses? I currently have this working by comparing event_id in a switch before the event_response switch, however it would be great to do these in one :slight_smile:

I am using JSONata to handler multiple event id in nodered switch:

event.event_id = "alexa_notification_office_occupied" and event.event_response = "ResponseYes"

Anyone have an example of how to repeat an actionable notification until the response is yes? I put a door/windows sensor on my freezer door. I want the event to trigger if the door has been left open for 5 minutes. If no response, wait a couple of minutes and repeat the notification until someone responds with YES.


hey guys does anyone know what my problem is i get the respond there was a problem with the requested skills respond

This seems to be an exciting way of using Alexa. But. Call me stupid, I believe I’ve followed the the guide step by step, but in the end all I get when I say, “Alexa, open custom actions” is “There was a problem with the requested skill’s response”. Trying to figure out where I made a mistake, but no success. Can anybody help me out?

My say:

VERIFY_SSL                        = True                              # SET TO FALSE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE VALID CERTS
TOKEN                             = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTU0N2JiYmU3ODhlOWMxZWZhZmNkMSIsImlhdCI6MTU5OTEzMTk0NSwiZXhwIjoxOTE0NDkxOTQ1fQ.ZHNljtXnq7CGO1uK-dUHkIqtum9VQlnnvQYxLR75kPo'                                # ADD YOUR LONG LIVED TOKEN IF NEEDED OTHERWISE LEAVE BLANK

The basic config text of


goes to configuration.yaml, right?

I run HA in a docker on Ubuntu server.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Hello, I think it is a Skill activation error on the AWS server, I had the same error, I got obfuscated and after reviewing everything I left it as impossible and went to sleep, the next day I checked it and it worked, without having modified nothing.

Thanks for your suggestion, two days passed and nothing has changed. I don’t think this will resolve by itself.

Hi All,

Where can you find all the actionable_notification_* options?
I only see everywhere actionable_notification_lock_left_unlocked this one… but there must be more?

Good morning mate

I have this problem, but in my case it doesn’t even work in the initial test.

I’m not sure if there’s a question here but I did eventually get it to work by using the instructions from the github wiki. So I’m not sure I can help especially with so little information.

I tried many things and now at the and post this on GitHub issue:

I checked everything. My Echo Dot language is US.
I can access my HA setup with https:// on port 443

Client ID:

But I get always this error:

Error: Invalid client id or redirect uri

If I change it with a Long Live Token and disable Account Linking then on my App iOS its working
In the test page on developer console its working

Schermafbeelding 2020-09-13 om 17 41 46

On my Alexa Echo Dot I get a error:

sorry i'm having trouble. please try in a little while

Hello did you fix it? i have same issue with nabu casa.

can you show how you fixed it?

im sorry i was unable to fixed it

Unfortunately this error means the skill cannot reach your instance of Home Assistant, and this can be caused by more than one issue. I resolved this error by adding all of the files in the repo to my lambda folder. It could very well be that your instance of Home Assistant is unreachable, however because it in Nabu Casa it should work. I would suggest double checking your config and make sure your Nabu Casa info is corrrect.

I have same issue. with Nabu Casa url… do I keep the ’ ’ around url?

EDIT - after 3rd attempt it worked. I was not putting the extensions on the new files… .json and .py

Like others, I’m totally stuck. I made it through creating the skill, but when testing it by saying “alexa open custom actions”, alexa doesn’t say a word. The amazon device is an echo dot (with a screen) which displays the name of the skill, but doesn’t say/do anything else. And yes, the volume is up :slight_smile:

Since I’m using Nabu Casa, I skipped the account linking section and used the external url provided in the “Remote Control” section of the Home Assistant Cloud page. I also created and included the long lived token. Wasn’t sure on SSL, so I’ve tried with both True and False and get the same results.

Perhaps I missed something, but after 3 attempts, I’m reaching out for help.

Thanks to anyone who is willing to point me in the right direction!!!

I’m also having an issue. Everything worked fine the first time when I used the sample automation. I then changed the message to the second example (adding the whisper effect). Now, the echo dot lights up like it did the first time but it is silent. There are no error messages. No idea why it stopped working.

Update: It just suddenly started working. Also, when I tested the skill after the initial setup, I also got the response, “There was a problem with the requested skill’s response." But, it still works.

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I am able to make the event get triggered when only I say Alexa Open custom actions.
How to make it trigger automatically