Actron Air Conditioner add-on

Looks like your unit is different, and the official compatible card is the ICUNO-MOD card rather than the ICAMIB-MOD.

So one would need to probably start from scratch to decode this unit. It looks like it still does 1second bursts of information, in your logs when it says “Time to Send” is the period between the bursts when it’s quiet, where this module would send a pending command. There seems to be 8 groups of data in each burst, so the timing is probably similar with what I’ve discovered/set with my unit.

Take the first packet of 3 groups, these are in hexadecimal format. Easiest way to convert to binary is using a tool, e.g. Hex to Binary Converter

1) 4D C8 18 0D 08 00 F8 F8 F8 08 08 08 08 58 98 98 EA EA 08 08 1B 0F 08 09 0B 0B 28 08 FA FA 0A FF FA CA F8 
2) 4D C8 18 0D 08 00 E8 F8 F8 08 08 08 08 58 98 98 EA EA 08 08 1B 0F 08 09 0B 0B 08 08 FA FA 0A FF FA 6A FC 
3) 4D C8 18 0D 08 00 E8 F8 F8 08 08 08 08 58 98 98 EA EA 08 08 1B 0F 08 09 0B 0B 08 08 FA FA 0A FF FA 6A FD

There’s little difference between them. There might be some status or read temperature changes altering between these.
If we look at the change of CA to 6A, second to last its 11001010 to 01101010. F8=11111000, FC=11111100, FD=11111101
So you need to go look at the consistency of the burst of 8 groups, and what changes when you change something like a zone on/off, ac on/off cooling/heating/auto. It looks like your wall controller is on the 485 bus too, so if you make a change, you will likely see a 9th group show up, which will probably be the command to adjust the thing you just pressed on.

It’s also entirely possible, that the esphome module is mis interpreting the timing of this data. Also possible that it’s encoded/encrypted someway, which will make it harder.

Once/if you got a good idea of what’s what, it can start to be written in to this esphome module.

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Thanks. I also realised after looking it up. Thanks for the tips. I’ll give a go attached trying to decipher this but maybe it’ll be better off just getting modbus module for this series. I’ll report back if I can make some headway.

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Hi Guys,

Can anyone help with this… i have it setup as type tcp using the transparent mode. Is that how it should be?

I still cannot do ITC per zone and the actions are 8-10sec slower, not much different to how the experience was using McGuire’s MQTT solution