Adafruit 2.13" eInk/ePaper featherwing Mono with ESPHome

Has anybody looked at setting up the Adafruit 2.13" eInk/ePaper featherwing Mono on the Adafruit HUZZAH32 (v1) with ESPHome?

If this isn’t supported out-of-the-box does anybody have any advice on where to start on adding it? I’ve found the Waveshare ePaper display platform but I’m not sure if that’s the best place to start.

I have good technical skills in general but am just getting started learning about the ESP32 ecosystem, I2C, etc. so any advice pointing me in the right direction would be helpful.

I’d start looking at the driver chip. Ssd1680.

Hi, in case this is helpful to anyone, I had some success with the 2.9" Tri-Color FeatherWing.

I just posted a recipe here: Recipe: ESPHome + Adafruit Feather ESP32-S2 + ThinkInk E-paper display + Battery monitor

the tl;dr, ePaper wise, is that the Adafruit board seemed to work fine when I set the right pins and used:

  - platform: waveshare_epaper
    model: 2.90in-bV3