Add a fingerprint to identified person

Swifty, were you able to get the Esphome part working ? Would it be possible to see what you’ve done so far ? Thanks!

I did get it going but only to a basic level - I found the reader pretty hit and miss so ended up going down the route of a tablet with pin code instead, as I could also use that to display other information.

Unfortunately I didn’t keep the code I had produced to that point I’m afraid.

Wow, this is great and exactly what I am looking for. Any advancement made or more details descriptions? I would like to set this up for a 5 person households. To: 1) either register by tag/fingerprint, 2) make visible who is home and who is not, also to understand if scanning correct and 3) to use this as home/away set-up for further automations

Hi everybody,

after few messages on this topic and by private messages, I decided to work on a new version.

On the first post, I explained that 2 nodemcu was used to manage:

  • 1 RC522 (TagReader),
  • 4 Leds,
  • 1 Fingerprint Scanner.

Here are the changes made:

  • RC522 replaced by PN532:

PN532 is smaller and can be used with I2C. So 2 pins are used instead of 5.

  • The Fingerprint Scanner from Waveshare replaced by R503 from Grow:

The speed of detection is better with the Waveshare, but the integration (software and hardware) and price is better with the R503 (GROW R503 – Scanner de capteur d'empreintes digitales, rond et rond, deux couleurs, contrôle, DC3.3V mx1. 0 6 broches | AliExpress).

  • 2 NodeMCU replaced by 1 Wemos D1 Mini:

Smaller than 1 Nodemcu, so really smaller than 2 nodemcu !! And 1 wifi consumer instead of 2.

  • Arduino code to Esphome:

Thanks to Esphome and the HA API, it’s really easy to code and the optimisation is better. On Arduino code, 1 Wemos D1 Mini was not enough powerful to execute everything. But with Esphome were is not this problem !

With all this modifications, I could add a light (thanks to the economy of pins of PN532) for guests and I was able to divide the size of the box by 3 !

I redesigned the box with a total integration of lights, and a better integration of PN532 closer of the outside. I’m new with my own 3D printer, so be indulgent with quality of the end result :slight_smile:

New files here : GitHub - Will711990/Presence-Module-EspHome


Could you look over and see if it’s connected properly?

Hi !
Yes that’s correct !
Warning if you copy my esphome code with the attribution of led. I plugged on the same pin as yours but Colors are different !
Enjoy :blush:

I can’t figure out how to put on a fingerprint
switch one of them on to read it in and then switch it off again?

I’m not sure to understand your problem…
But the boolean are activated with this automation:


Automation Person_1


- alias: 'Boolean Empreinte Person_1 toggle'
  initial_state: True
  mode: single
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.person_detected
      from: 'unknown'
      to: 'person_1_detected'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.identification_par_badge
      state: 'on'
    - service: input_boolean.toggle
      entity_id: input_boolean.presence_person_1

- alias: 'Light from ON to OFF'
  initial_state: True
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.presence_person_1
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.presence_person_1

- alias: 'Light from OFF to ON'
  initial_state: True
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.presence_person_1
      from: 'on'
      to: 'off'
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.absence_person_1

#  Script Person_1

# Gestion des Leds Vertes ou Rouges sur Nodemcu
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_pct: 50
          transition: 0
          entity_id: light.led_presence_person_1
      - service: light.turn_off
          transition: 0
          entity_id: light.led_absence_person_1

      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_pct: 40
          transition: 0
          entity_id: light.led_absence_person_1
      - service: light.turn_off
          transition: 0
          entity_id: light.led_presence_person_1