I use your code, and it works great
I did not see the Halfhourly sensor in order to get real time comsumption and calculate the Off-Peak and Peak Consumptions and Prices. so I made some Template sensors to get them.
I use your code, and it works great
Halfhourly sensor is useless because it’s a -1d not the current day
Yes, but the -1d gives you a cumulative of the day consumption while half-hourly gives you exactly that, a half-hourly description of the day’s consumption so you could calculate the off-peak and peak hours by the exact valor of your consumption.
Ex. in my region the Off peak hours are from 3:30 am to 8:00 am and from 13:30 to 16:00 so you could do a sum of those hours (KWh) and get your real off-Peak consumption then you substract that from your -1d and you get your real peak hours.
Maybe I am overcomplicating this thing
make sense. I update my repos with Halfhourly sensor
Hi, could you share your configuration because. I don’t see how you obtain split between Heures Pleines and Heures Creuses. Thanks by advance
It all depends on your contract. The Heures pleines and creuses changes by region so in mine the creuses are from 3:30 am to 8am and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
So this is my linky.yaml:
Thanks to Pirionfr!
then after creating the sensors, I just did all the operations with some template sensors:
And here is my groups conso section:
If you need more info, just ask!
Thank you, i will adapt your script with my own hours (from 11:00 pm to 7:00am fo Heures creuses) and test it. i use home assistant since a few time and i haven’t test templating yet. It seems to be very useful. In your files you indicate some sensors for grafana. You use grafana inside home assistant to display global graph of your consumption ?
No I use Grafana as a stand-alone solution to graph the HA sensors.
I forgot to put the HA view.
This is my HA conso view :
Using the custom sensor for linky by Pirionfr, I am able to retrieve my linky conso in HA.
I have however some questions (for ursus69)
I do not change the names for the sensors, HA is the one that put the right names.
I only change the names of my Template sensors.
And this is what I have on Grafana with no problems at all
Sorry I cannot help you more.
Thanks for your reply
Hi @Pirionfr, I have started to use your custom component recently, and it works great, but retrieving the data fails very often, displaying Unknown
on the front end (a few hours every day)
Am I the only one having this issue?
Here are some screenshots with the details
Thanks a lot
I only have problem when site are down
I’ve just tried to setup this custom component, but in my ENEDIS account there is no data. Do you know the standard duration before having cunsumption data ? My linky was installed in April this year.
You should activate the Charge Courve, to do this,
Tu dois cocher :
J’autorise expressément Enedis à enregistrer ma courbe de charge afin de pouvoir la consulter pendant 12 mois.
dans Consomation > Gérer ma courbe de charge
Thank you for the tip but I don’t have yet this option. I think my linky is not yet fully integrated in the Enedis service.
I’ve opened a ticket yesterday to have some explaination from the website support.
Hi everyone !
I’ve worked with this interesting script to retrieve data from Linky, and builded some template sensors based on the raw data. I’ve also build a custom card for the new Lovelace UI, that shows some informations about your Linky stats (in French, of course).
I don’t know if some people can be interested in this type of resources, but I can share it if needed
Feel free to ask some questions about it !
Hey! I am really interested in it, can you share your project?
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