I am also interested in configuring my DCS-933L and viewing the Live VIdeo Feed using a raspberyr pi. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
I don’t know the command to control directly the pan/tilt, but I have a DCS-5020L and I can (with an html get) navigate to a preset of the camera (I use node-red to do the HTML get)
Just to add my 2 cents on a slightly different camera model in the hope it will help someone else, I have a D-Link DCS-935L and none of the above allowed me to add my camera to enable the stream (I got the still_image fine) my resolution was:
Importantly (to me because I didn’t read the above) you DO NOT require the port number (80) in the link to the video stream. This only took me 3 weeks to figure out.
I edited the above realising that I’d put the wrong camera model name in, for clarity I also have a D-Link DCS-932L which settings that work are…
Bizarrely though entering the port number failed to work, it was only once I’d removed it that it worked. My other D-Link camera (that I’ve now added above) also uses port 80 and entering it in the url had no issues in getting it to work?
It works but the problem is that when and/if the camera is unreachable, HA gui becomes unresponsive until the core is restarted. Also using binary_sensor is deprecated.