Add HTTP Post Homescreen Icons on Android [How-To]

So I currently use my HA configuration for some LIFX bulbs and LEDs behind my desk, but I’m a huge fan of aesthetically pleasing home screen setups on my device and the native LIFX and MagicHome widgets were horrible to look at. I started looking for HTTP Post Widgets that I can just drop my link in but no luck.

That is, until today. I came across the Application, HTTP Request Shortcuts, and it allows you to create HTTP Post requests and add them to your home screen…but not only that, you can set custom icons!

This is what my home screen now look like with them individually and also with them in a folder with a custom icon! (I removed the icon labels manually)

I’m using this app too, it’s pretty cool. Interestingly the developer recently added a Tasker plug in, which allows you to trigger any shortcut as part of a Tasker task. Tasker can already make POST requests, but it’s nice not to have to define things twice. You can also export your shortcuts to a file, which is very useful for transferring to another phone (e.g. family member).

Oh and the app is Open Source on Github: (weirdly not in Fdroid).


I have been looking for this kind of thing. Thanks. Can you give one example of how to do it with light switches in home-assistant.

This is my setup here. For the URL, you need to enter

From there, just follow the format of how I told it which light to toggle using entity ID. Save, long press and choose Add to home screen.

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Thanks that will help.

See for more examples