Add ip_ban_whitelist for HTTP Integration

Agreed - it’s bizarre there’s no whitelist facility as things stand

wait, so adding that line doesn’t work? what about the trusted_proxies option?

The repository has been archived.

Someone willing and capable of cloning it and bringing this great integration back?

Logger: custom_components.hacs
Source: custom_components/hacs/
Integration: HACS (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 22:37:57 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:37:57

You have 'custom-components/authenticated' installed with HACS this repository has been removed from HACS, please consider removing it. Removal reason (No longer maintained)

I talked to „my it guy“ and he gave me a good and pretty simple workaround I want to share: just set the login attempts to e. g. 50 or even 100.
you won‘t lose significant safety concerning bruit force or dictionary attacks where we are talking about up to millions of attempts needed but won‘t lock out yourself anymore; as long as you use a strong and unique password of course.


I’ve got a situation where a particular computer must be attempting to authenticate using a ‘remembered’ method that Home Assistant once accepted but now doesn’t want to.
Anyway as soon as this computer tries to connect to the web GUI it’s banned.
Any ideas?!

Sadly this seems to be the only route but it greatly reduces your security. I run an offensive security team and anything over 3 attempts we recommend to bring down. There is a time period before this counter resets, so setting it to 50, an attacker can fail say 49 times in an hour rather than 2 times in an hour. Your IT guy should really look at the security. If your instance is Internet accessible then you’re opening up a larger can of worms.

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I get your point, in some sense it’s about up to 25 times less safe?
On the other hand, Mike Pound once stated in the famous Computerphile Password cracking video that any 8 character password could (7 years ago) maybe be cracked in a few hours up to a day at 14 billion hashes per second assuming an MD5 encryption (unlikely).
Now I hope I do the maths right: let’s say we could break any 8 character password in one second (!) of computer time with 14b guesses/s… Then if you get 49 guesses per hour, you have 1176 guesses per day resulting in more than 32000 years of guesses until the password is cracked. And I did not take into account 2 Factor Authentification or the fact that my password is of course longer and hopefully complex enough.
So I guess we are still kind of safe? At least this is my understanding at the moment, but I‘m absolutely no expert. Did I get something fundamentally wrong?

I’ve written a little integration addon that adds this functionality: GitHub - palfrey/ban_allowlist: Home Assistant plugin to add IP ban whitelisting. Note it does things in a bit of a hacky way (monkey patching the HTTP ban list code), but it does seem to work for me so far, and I’ve got fairly decent integration test coverage for it. Patches welcomed if there’s any missing features.


Does it supports ip range? Can you write an example with multiple ip in the configuration.yaml so we can se how to correctly write the list?

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Yep, if we can have an IP range that’s should be perfect.

Multiple ip example is already in the README. See

  ip_addresses: ["my.ip.address", "another.ip.address"]

IP ranges: it doesn’t, because I don’t need it. Patches to fix this are welcomed though.

Any future feature requests should be done as issues on the repo, as I’m not here that often, but I pay attention to Github a lot.

Is there any solution to this after all these years? I start to be banned on my own home network… This is very annoying