In addition to βonβ and βoffβ states there should be easy ways to use lighting for notifications/signalling without too much scripting (saving state, toggling/switching colors, etc.). I would absolutely like to have a type of notification, that supports a number value (e.g. 3 flashes in a group repeating each minute) as well as a severity (make it more subtle when there is a mail to react to, more noticeable if the house is starting to burn down.
Use cases:
Mail notification: Blink the number of voicemail (or other type) of messages with one light per room. E.g. when switched on, the light switches off 3 times in sequence if there are 3 messages to react to. Or a visual clock chime, blinking the full hours.
Visual doorbell: Flash all lights briefly if the doorbell rings (and the user has headphones turned up to max or has hearing deficiencies).
Visual smoke alarm/burglary alarm (turn half of all lights red and blink them).