Add on: RTSPtoWeb and RTSPtoWebRTC

Can you visit the web page for the server addon? From the log it look like the server is running. Maybe this is a startup timing issue? As in it’s not retrying if the addon isn’t set up right so maybe you can compare timing in the logs

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Since it is working right now, i can’t be sure. once I face it next time I will check.

I’m using this add-on and locally it’s almost like magic, the zero delay is awesome and allows me to check on my baby without issues.
But when I’m outside and connected through Nabu Casa the camera stops working. Anyone faced the same issue? Is there a way to enable/disable this through an automation when I leave home?

Thanks in advance!

try accessing http://your-ip-or-domain:8083/

Sadly I don’t have an external IP address.

I think I’ll have to use the frigate card and show the RTSP card when everyone is home and the HLS card when someone leaves.

Do you have nabu casa? Just replace port 8123 with 8083 in the address. Or you can still use tailscale Tailscale, anyone using it? - #14 by nick6. or on zero-tier
e.g I can access mine at (obviously I can connect to bcz I am using zero-tier) i.e your Homeassistant zero-tier/Tailscale IP:8083.

In case of tailscale it will be your localhomeassistantip:8083 and in zerotier you can choose whatever range you need.

The plan for exposing remote access is written up here Default to using Google STUN server for WebRTC player by chriswiggins · Pull Request #12084 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub – still in progress.



I am trying to setup Docker image of RTSPtoWeb but i get a fatal message in logs.
how can I fix this?

time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=info msg="Server CORE start" func=main module=main
time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=info msg="Server RTSP start" call=Start func=RTSPServer module=rtsp_server
time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=info msg="Server HTTP start" call=Start func=RTSPServer module=http_server
time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=info msg="Server start success a wait signals" func=main module=main
time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=info msg="Run stream" call=Run channel=0 func=StreamServerRunStreamDo module=core stream=Demo
time="2022-05-22T16:47:46+02:00" level=fatal msg="listen tcp :8083: bind: address already in use" call=ServerHTTPPort func=HTTPAPIServer module=http_router

As far as some Unifi devices not working with the RTSPtoWeb -WebRTC

I found this comment in another thread about the rtsps not working. evidently, the rtsp still works.

One thing that is interesting is that my G4 dome works perfectly on the rtsps, but not the G3 dome.

Had the same issue. This is a Unifi related problem. You can access the rtsp stream on Unifi Protect to get restreamer to work:
Change the protocol to rtsp, change the port to 7447 and cut off everything behind the “?”. So, if in Protect the following URL is shown: rtsps://
just enter rtsp:// in restreamer. Works fine for me.

Which is the recommended version?

Check out the first post in this thread

My setup is that I can view HA remotely using cloudflared argo tunnel. It is working when viewing the cctv in the same network but NOT working outside network when using my iPhone.

For some reason, port 8083 would not work for me. I set RTSPtoWEB to use port 8082 and it works, BUT when I click open WebUi it directs me to port 8083. I can manually change the port in the browser and the dashboard opens.
How can I fix that?

Unfortunately you have to make the URL yourself if you change the port. The idea is you don’t really need to use the web ui very much… home assistant exposes webrtc via the stream card.

Did you figure this out?

Stopped using it

This may be something that has been covered before but I’m looking at adding this to my setup to add a low latency full quality camera stream to a number of tablets around my house that currently display awful mjpeg copies of a sub stream

I have everything working when on a web browser and my setup is using the separate RTSPtoWeb docker image

So my first issue is if I load the same page that works on desktop on any device running the home assistant app (via wifi, the connection is fine), the videos never loads even with the app set to auto play video, are apps supported by this or is it something more tuned towards web only?

Also, from a stream perspective, how many connections does the RTSPtoWeb system make to the actual camera? Mine is limited to 2 main streams at any time but as its running through this system, i’d assume each client connected would see the same stream rather than 2 views doing 2 seperate connections to the cameras, is that assumption correct or would I be looking at 1 connection to the camera per device pulling the stream?

I would suggest sticking with the zlL HLS feeds given your setup. You’ll be much happier and it will work much more robustly, especially given the limitations around limited connections and number of viewers.

Thanks for the integration and add on @allenporter , do you have to a todo list for (custom or core) integration owners to support this?

Hi, you’re welcome. I’m not sure i follow the question: Can you elaborate or re-state?