Add-ons Button not visible

After fresh docker installation and activation of advanced mode in my profile the add-ons funtions is not visible in the settings section. I wanted to install Hacs and SSH.
What do I have to do?

For the SSH addon?

Choose another install method. The Container install method does not support addons. See You are expected to manage you own containerised applications.

HACS is an integration, not an addon so you can install that no matter how you installed Home Assistant.

Hallo Tom, vielen Dank für deine Antwort. Hätte ich wohl besser lesen sollen (danke für den Link) :slight_smile:
Ich habe nun parallel ein HA OS aufgesetzt, wo bisher alles wie gewünscht fkt.
Gibt es evtl. die Möglichkeit diese Konfiguration in den Docker-HA Container zu importieren, so dass es dort auch läuft ohne alles neu zu konfigurieren?
Grüße, Detlef

English only please.

In English of course - sorry!
Hi Tom, thanks for your reply. I should have read better (thanks for the link) :slight_smile:
I have now set up a HA OS in parallel, where so far everything is working as it should.
Is there possibly the possibility to import this configuration into the Docker-HA container, so that it also runs there without reconfiguring everything?
Greetings, Detlef