Addons do not start

Preciso de Ajuda!

Tento instalar os Add-on e ate ai tranquilo. Porem nenhum inicia.
Confiro a documentação e esta ok
vejo o log apostentar iniciar e esta ok o log e gerado e nao aparece erro. Porem o app nao inicia.
ja tentei varios e nada.
Caso eu desistale um Add-on nao consigo fazer ele iniciar de novo.
tenho terminal instalado e se atravez dele eu conseguir zerar o home assistent ou deixar de “fabrica- exemplo”
tenho instalado o home assistente num Haspberry pi 4 de 8 GB com Uma NVme 256 gb em uma case Argon

English only please.

Need help!

I try to install the Add-ons and so far it’s ok. But none starts.
I check the documentation and it’s ok
I see the log start and it’s ok the log is generated and no error appears. But the app does not start.
I’ve tried several and nothing.
If I uninstall an Add-on I can’t make it start again.
I have a terminal installed and if through it I can reset the home assistant or leave “factory-example”
I have installed the home assistant on a Haspberry pi 4 of 8 GB with a NVme 256 gb in an Argon case

Go to SettingsSystemRepairsSystem Information in the three dots overflow menu (top right).

Scroll down to Home Assistant Supervisor. Copy and paste here what it says.

thanks :+1: