Add OpenAI / GPT integration into our Telegram Bot

Does anyone know if there is a Telegram/Discord bot that incorporates Chatgpt and Home Assistant? If not it would be awesome to have one.

We can use this open source chat bot to start: GitHub - karfly/chatgpt_telegram_bot or use the core HA telegram bot and add chatgpt to it?

It would be awesome to have this as an add-on, then you can define what sensors / switches / services you want to expose to it. Then users can use it as a normal GPT or ask it to do house stuff for you.

This approach is similar to using a chat feature we already have in HA but it simplifies usage since I can just add allowed users to a Telegram chat group and there is less friction where I don’t have to teach people how to install an HA app on their phone and then adding them to the system.

Maybe the solution here is update our OpenAI integration to be universal gateway to pass through data to Telegram Bot and other integrations.

Let me know if this is just a pipe dream.

have you seen this

Hi! I had the same thought and I found a simple solution to it. I used a single blueprint to connect conversations and the Telegram Bot.

This is the blueprint: Telegram Bot: Conversation with Assist (and others like OpenAI)

I hope it helps!

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