Add option for MQTT Auto Discovery subject to confirmation

Alternatively, one can use the python script (see: rtl_433/examples/ at 6f7846e829cf9e9d6d27224ed8adb1f00f9f3a48 · merbanan/rtl_433 · GitHub).

Unfortunately, the format for naming devices and entities along with other config data differs from the format used by OpenMQTTGateway so this is not a perfect solution.

I wrote and posted PR for OpenMQTT Gateway that exactly solves this problem by allowing you to change the Discovery Prefix either from the WebUI or via


and discussion under:
Add ability to change discovery prefix on the fly either via WebGUI or mosquitto_sub · Issue #1996 · 1technophile/OpenMQTTGateway · GitHub

For me at least, this truly solves the problem as I originally hoped!