Add Philips Hue Motion Detector to ZHA

Hi, I want to use my Hue motion detector with ZHA rather than the Hue bridge.
However when I try to add it, it gets stuck at the interviewing stage.
Should this work? Or do I have to use Hue bridge?

Device Found
Starting Interview
IEEE: 00:17:88:01:08:64:39:a3
NWK: 0xddc6

During the add device process, in the upper right corner of the screen there is a ‘show log’ option. I would look there to see if there is more detailed info to share. Make sure the device is ‘cleaned out’ both in ZHA and by resetting the device prior to re attempts.

These folks seems have them running, they might have some ideas:

Have the philips motion sensor working in ZHA with my Conbee 2 stick.