Add private CAs to certificate store

I’ve coded a custom integration to add custom private CA (Certificate Authority) to Home Assistant.
The main purpose is to avoid adding again manually CAs even if Docker container si recreated.
Give it a try : GitHub - Athozs/hass-additional-ca: Add custom CA (Certificate Authority) to Home Assistant.


This would also be an important feature for me. Like a lot of people here, I have a home certificate authority. Being able to get HA to trust that authority would be very helpful for integrations. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a full UI implementation (although that would be great).

Definitely agree this is a feature that should be in consideration for being added. I can envision the configuration.yaml looking something like:

  - "/path/to/cert1.crt"
  - "/path/to/cert2.crt"

But in the meantime, I can vouch for this solution as a workaround (it worked in my case, at least, but I don’t believe this level of coding should be necessary for this task).

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Agree. I didn’t want to bother doing this and simply bought a public cert.