Add RPi camera module to motionEye? Use Pi W Zero w/ motionEye and integrate the stream to H.A. dashboard?


I’m trying to add the RPi Camera Module V2.1 to motionEye - within hassio. However, when opening the MotionEye Web UI it is saying “no cameras found” for Local MMAL Camera and also for Local V4L2 Camera.

Any ideas how to solve this issue?

Thanks. Regards, Julian

From the add-on’s git
" * Local USB or Pi cameras are currently not supported yet. This is caused by a limitation of A request for a change has been made to make this possible in the future. motionEye(OS) allows you to use a second instance (e.g., a Pi Zero W) for those kinds of purposes."

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Hello sleeepy2,
okay, it is not yet possible to add a Pi Cam to motionEye within H.A.

Other Question:
I got motionEye running on a separate Pi W Zero - working well. Is there a way to integrate that system into my H.A. on my Pi 3B+? At least I want the camera picture to be displayed in H.A.


Hi Julian,

Yes that works no problem. I have a Pi cam with motionEye (and some other stuff) running in my garage and it can be displayed in HA. Just add it as a mjpeg camera.

- platform: mjpeg
  mjpeg_url: http://[YOURIP]:8081
  name: Garge
  username: [username]
  password: [password]
  authentication: basic

You would then have to add it as an iframe to the dashboard (Embeded URL from motioneye) in order to display it, right?

No, this will only display the stream not the motionEye interface.
Add a picture glance card

camera_image: camera.garge
camera_view: live
entities: []
type: picture-glance

Sorry to use this thread, but it looks quite similar to my question:

I have:
-one raspberry Pi with MotioneyeOs and the MALM camera.
-second rasperry Pi with Hassio and Motioneye installed.

There is an option in Motioneye for “remote motioneye camera”, that works good…
My question is: are all the settings copied from montioneyeos to motioneye? I think that the pictures and videos are being saved in both systems, but you cannot deactivate one and leave the other activated.
