Add schedules to generic thermostat


I use the generic thermostat integration to automate some per-room heating things. However, on top of a simple home and away preset, I’d like some more detailed scheduling.

For example, the bathroom can remain cool for most of the day and only warm up a bit in the evening when we usually shower. A simple home/away preset won’t quite cut it for that.

Right now, I have several automations setup to switch the target temperature around at given times. I’ve also used the popular scheduler component ( but still I don’t think the experience is great.

What I’d like is for the generic thermostat integration to include some scheduling natively. Personally, I’d love the following features:

  • Set target temperature per time block so I can have different temperatures during the day
  • Set an entity (switch, boolean, group, ?) to watch for home state and automatically switch to away mode when it is false/away/off

Thanks :slight_smile:

There are quite a few third party schedulers that can do more than just adjust your thermostat.

This is one of the better ones:

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Something as simple to configure as:

device: climate.hvac1
    - '07:00': 22C
    - '08:00': 21C
    - '21:00': 20C
    - '22:00': 18C

Hello @nilux,

where did you add this entry?

best regards

He did not. It was a suggestion for how the feature request could be implemented.

While not specific to the thermostat, there is a PR in the works for a schedule helper.

You could easily automate your thermostat using this.