Add Smart Home Camera Type & Smart Home CameraStream Trait to google assistant integration

Hi there,

I’m paying the for google home/assistant integration and am really happy with it but there’s one thing missing for now - the camera integration.

I have a nest hello and really like that I can pop in from the google home app and just cast it to my screen. I want to be able to do that with my CCTV streams.

I have tested integrating my streams (tested both local streams and via dns) and it works well although it has limited functionality compared to nest hello.

It can do:

  • Cast my CCTV to chromecast enable devices including smart displays for example “Hey google, show the backyard” or “hey google show me the park camera on the kitchen display”.
  • Assign the camera to a room just like any other device

It can’t do:

  • Pop in within the google home app.
  • There’s no fancy interaction to change state within the google home app.

Here’s the links:

If you want to test it out yourself then use this:


Similar: Support for Casting cameras through Google Assistant
The problem with some of the cameras is that the stream encoding may be not compatible.

My streams get converted from rtsp to poseidon mp4 via shinobi so its very simple process to get the right stream type by the user. Unfortunately, the only way to get my streams onto google assistant is for me to make my own platform that allows people to add streams. I don’t want to do that if it’s just a relatively simple addition to the assistant integration on home-assistant (which it is). I’d do it myself but I don’t have much experience coding in python or for home-assistant.

I’d also very much like this added!