To make it clearer, what I meant was:
1- remove any core integration instance
2- reboot
3- install HACS version
4- reboot
5- add integration searching for “vesync” in the integration panel
Then as they share the same domain, the custom integration will be added in place of the core one.
This can be confirmed after installation with the small orange icon:
Unfortunately I don’t have the time to keep maintaining the custom integration… I’m looking for someone to take it from here. In the meantime, the integration will stay as is without any further development…
Sorry for the inconvenience…
If anyone is interested in taking over, please contact me so I can transfer ownership of the repo!
@chuckdeal97 Is it okay if I take another crack at using your code to create a core PR? Would you be interested in assisting if I can make progress on getting approvals?
My plan is try to take code owner of the core integration and submit just test coverages to start. If this gets accepted I will do small improvements over time. Using your large PR as a base.
Hi @formatBCE
I have a Levoit Core 300s which is suppose to be supported by pyvesync & Vesync integration but after i take a look at the repo
(pyvesync/src/pyvesync/ at 7f49c643d703d37755da41295a4f7a9c8ec456c9 · webdjoe/pyvesync · GitHub)
i managed to get the models from vesycn cloud: LAP-C301S-WAAA
seem like the models that i have is not yet added to the list of regconized models for Core300s, could you help me support it on your repo ? i also attach the api call
It looks like same old 300 model, but with slightly different model version.
If you push pyvesync devs to all your model into Core300s section, it will become supported automatically in next pyvesync. Then it will be as easy as update pyvesync version in my repo to bring it into HA. At least it looks like it.
I’m away from keyboard for next week, will check it closer when return home.
Hi @formatBCE !
I downloaded the folder from your GitHub and extracted to custom_components and after that I installed the integration and logged in. My task is to make my new dual 200s available in the HA, but it didn’t work, the devices list is empty in the integration and on the logs there only one warning. What am I missing?
Yes I reaady had original installed too. So I deleted intergration, rebooted, deleted folder from custom_components, rebooted, then re-added folder to custom_components and rebooted, added integration, logged in, and still nothing =(
In the full logs I can see following
2024-11-05 20:47:34.507 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.vesync_formatbce.common] 1 VeSync fans found
2024-11-05 20:47:34.507 WARNING (MainThread) [] Humidifier - Unknown device type - LUH-D301S-WEU
I actually just double-checked that installed version of pyvesync is correct 1.4.3 and tried manually in container consolu through the python shell to login but got the same message. Maybe smth on the server, idk. Will look tomorrow.
@formatBCE Hi i’m new to home assistant, just installed your github integration for my Levoit Classic 300s pro. Works perfect ! Thanks for your work !!! Just a question, how can we keep your integration updated ? i had tried to add it as a custom repository on hacs, but it says: “repository structure for main is not compliant” . Thanks
Sorry, it’s impossible I guess…
Case is, that my code (as many others for VeSync) is based on internal VeSync integration, so can’t be added to HACS…
There’s two ways: either create completely different integration (with new ID and stuff), or create PR to inbuilt VeSync. Both need the time, which I don’t have now