Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

Hello community,

I am new here and on HA

I also triedto open classes.dex from migo app… wihtoutsuccess so far to get the id and keys

Can someone help me please ?

Thank you!

Hallo @All,

I also get “Invalid authentication” error using “na_client_android_vaillant” and app version with the corresponding secret key from the apk.
Is it correct to use user credentials for

Thanks in advance!

All the best

An additional information: I’m using android app version 2.18.0 and tried to get the secret key out of this app with the infos for version but I didn’t succeed.

All best


I am facing the same issue regarding Vaillant / Mignon intégration in home assistant.

Could you tell how you find secret id and client ID please?

Thank you

Hi, I’m looking for the same and have not had decompiling and finding in the APK.
Could someone PM the client ID and “secret_key” for the MiGo link app please?
Thank you!

Hello @samueldumont

Regarding Migo app integration I got some improvements:

  • there are 2 Migo apps :
    • Migo Link (the one where my devices are set up in)
    • Migo. Your heating assistant.

Decompiling both apk I managed to find strings

  • on Migo Link (2.18.0 in my case)
    • no mention of “na_client_android_sdbg”
    • 2 x 32- caracter long strings
  • on Migo Your Heating assistant ( in my case)
    • mention of “na_client_android_sdbg”
    • secret key

I manage to create a new user account on Migo Your Heating assistant app, and the integration on HA worked !

However, no way of setting my devices (isotwin condens + link) in the Migo Your Heating assistant app (I guess there are ment to be only on Migo Link app).

Thus :

  • I guess some people here are facing the same issue (auth. error) because using the Migo other app
  • Is there a way to integrate “Migo Link” (and not only Migo Your Heating assistant ?)
  • Other question (not directly related to the Home Assistant integration dev. though : Is there a way to integrate my devices in Migo My Heating Assistant app ?

Thank you,

To @MLHA, @ayrton, @rafapadilla93, @philippepujas, @migueldd, and to anybody else trying to make this work with the app ‘MiGo Link’:

As @MLHA pointed out, this integration DOES NOT work with MiGo Link. It’s not about having the secret key or whatever. MiGo Link uses a different authentication mechanism that is not compatible with this integration.

If you are using MiGo Link, you have to use the integration GitHub - signalkraft/mypyllant-component: Home Assistant component for the myVAILLANT API, controls Vaillant devices such as aroTHERM heatpumps and ecoTEC boilers (as @andreaconsadori said many months ago). Thanks @andreaconsadori for finding it!!!

Hi! Can someone please share client id, secret and other needed infors for vsmart (apart from username & password of course)? Thanks in advance!

Hello, I just got into a home assistant, and I’m trying to integrate my vsmart thermostat. Under IOS I have the valiant erelax/vmsmart app. You’re talking about secret key, which I can’t find. Could you communicate it to me? Thanks

Bonjour, je viens de me lancer dans home assistant, et j’essaie d’intégrer mon thermostat vsmart. Sous IOS j’ai l’app erelax/vmsmart de vaillant. Vous parlez de secret key et de clé API, que je ne retrouve pas. Pourriez-vous me les communiquer ? Merci

Bonjour Samuel, j’ai aussi récemment commencé à utiliser Home Assistant. Pourrais-je recevoir les clés d’accès pour essayer l’intégration vSmart ? merci d’avance!

Hi! I’m not able to integrate my vSmart thermostat. I don’t know wich is my Client ID and my Client Secret and i dont understand the instructions i found in this topic… and ¿i have to use vaillant and for User prefix and App version in all the cases? (I`m too newbie in HA).

I´m using vSmart app in iOS. Thanks for helping me and congratulations for your work from Spain.

Hi Samuel! I’m not able to integrate my vSmart thermostat. I don’t know wich is my Client ID and my Client Secret and i dont understand the instructions i found in this topic… and ¿i have to use vaillant and for User prefix and App version in all the cases? (I`m too newbie in HA).

I´m using vSmart app in iOS. Thanks for helping me and congratulations for your work from Spain.

After asking for te API_KEY, and no one answer,i found this post of this kind sir.

Hi @samueldumont!! I’m not able to integrate my vSmart thermostat. I don’t know wich is my Client ID and my Client Secret and i dont understand the instructions i found in this topic… and ¿i have to use vaillant and for User prefix and App version in all the cases? (I`m too newbie in HA).

I´m using vSmart app in iOS. Thanks for helping me and congratulations for your work from Spain.

Hey all Could I get the “secret_key” please?

I did a pull request on the repository because it needs a small change for HA 2024.11
So you know

EDIT: Config change is postponed until 2025.11 (since 2024.11.0b1) so the PR is there and can be merged anytime in the following year to fix the upcoming issue.

Hi @samueldumont , I must be number 1000 but I would really appreciate it if you could send me the Client ID and the Client secret to integrate vSmart into HA.

Hi @samueldumont

Could you please send me the secret_key for MiGO installation. Thanks for your work and help.

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Hello @samueldumont is this still necessary? If so would you provide me an client ID and Client secret. Working with the eRELAX/vSMART vaillant. Thanks in advance.