Adding Creality K1 Max to HA using Nodered (No root required)

Thank you for your reply.
I also thought about that and did not like the idea :confused:

However, I just enabled heartbeat at WS settings and now connection reestablishes by itself.

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Hey @Spellbinder_4

Happy new year !

I’ve updated github with latest Nodered Workflow. I put the print job time and time left values as you asked

Take care

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You’re a wizard!
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Wondering if you could elaborate just a little more on what heartbeat is. I am running into the same issue but don’t want to restart the addon everytime.

Hey @TheOsirian ,

Open Nodered’s workflow and edit the K1 Server Listner then click on the pen to edit the settings

In the settings, tick the heartbeat and set a value as you like

I have mine setup for 10s and it works like a charm


hey can u share ur dashboard code pls