I’ve found tons of stuff about adding iotawatt, but I’m missing a step somewhere. I found the thread on a jinja template to pull in all the sensors associated with it but it isn’t working for me.
Here is the jinja template from the other thread. The error I am getting is "Error rendering template: UndefinedError: ‘None’ has no attribute ‘attributes’
I have already added the rest sensor iotawatt into my configuration.yaml and rebooted and HA can see the iotawatt. If I check states in dev tools, I can even see all my outputs and inputs there. The template just doesn’t run and I can’t see my inputs and outputs outside of dev tools.
- platform: template
{%- for i in range(states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.inputs| length) %}
{%- set input = states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.inputs[i] %}
{%- if input.Watts %}
iotawatt_input_{{ input.channel }}:
value_template: {{"{{states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.inputs["}}{{i}}{{"].Watts}}"}}
unit_of_measurement: Watts
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for i in range(states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.outputs| length) %}
{%- set output = states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.outputs[i] %}
iotawatt_output_{{ output.name }}:
value_template: {{"{{states.sensor.iotawatt.attributes.outputs["}}{{i}}{{"].value}}"}}
unit_of_measurement: {{ output.units }}
{%- endfor %}