Adding Serial Ports

Hey all. Running on a Raspberry Pi and looking to connect to some older devices on the serial side (RS232).

Anyone know a good option here?

If you only need one or two serial ports then you can use a USB-RS232 converter for each serial port (Amazon and eBay sell several different models).

If you need many serial ports, Digi’s Edgeport device comes in 4, 8, and 16 port versions (all use a single USB port). Be advised it’s not inexpensive and I bought used ones (4 and 8 port versions) from eBay many years ago.

Thanks for the reply. I got a StartTech one from amazon (ICUSB2324I - 4 port RS232) and it seems fine. Price was reasonable I thought ($133 CAD). Digi Edgeport does seem up there in price.

Just wasn’t sure if I was treading down the wrong path here. More curious as to how others had sorted out their serial needs.

Seems like the used ones hold their value because the current prices on are about the same (if not more) than what I paid ten years ago.

Those prices seem pretty good actually. :+1:

good luck dude.