Adding support for Netatmo Thermostat

Since this component is not working witrh multiple devices I am going to abandon it. Will try Netatmo and IFTTT.

Anyone knows how to use it with IFTTT?

I did with webhooks

with ifttt.trigger in HASS and calling Netatmo Set thermostat value

Based on gieljnssns’s work, I revised a version which supports multiple devices. It has been tested with 1 thermostat + 1 valve, and 0 thermostat + 2 valves (thanks to briis). All are welcome to test and report the results. Thanks!

with two thermostat is not working (answered in other thread)

Hey there…
nobody actually can make two or more thermostat work together?

I don’t have multiple thermostats or valves from Netatmo so I can’t verify, but from what I can read on this thread I have the impression that it is working now.

Oh thanks… now it’s working also for me!! Thanks a lot!

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I first noticed that my sensor doesn’t work any more. It looks like this:

      value_template: >-
        {% set devices = [  states.climate.netatmo_device1,
                            states.climate.netatmo_device5 ] %}
        {% set auto_amount = devices | selectattr('attributes.operation_mode','eq','auto') | list | length %}        
        {{ 'auto' if auto_amount == devices | length else 'manual' }}

It stays at manual, but it has to show auto, because all sensors are in “auto” mode.

After that I checked the climate entities. the following happens:

  • When I change a device in the netatmo app it DOESN’T get reported to home assistant any more. So it stays at auto even if it is in manual.

  • When I change the device in home assistant I can see the temp change in the App

So both systems are still connected but something is wrong.

Before opening a new issue, I’d like to ask if someone here can reproduce this behaviour.


There is no attribute operation_mode since the climate refactor.


      value_template: >-
        {% set devices = [  states.climate.netatmo_device1,
                            states.climate.netatmo_device5 ] %}
        {% set auto_amount = devices | selectattr('state','eq','auto') | list | length %}        
        {{ 'auto' if auto_amount == devices | length else 'manual' }}

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Thanks, this works. But I still have my second issue.

Hm, that works fine here also.

No issues for me either…change temp/schedule in App and it’s refelcted in HA after a few minutes

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There is a gap as we only query the netatmo api every 5 or 10 minutes.

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Even after an hour the state doesn’t get updated from “auto” to “manual”.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Edit: notices the following. The states of the entities stay at “auto”.
But when I look at the entities in Lovelace I can see the difference between a device in auto or manual mode. (With some delay as you mentioned).

So how to get that information back into the state of the entity. Could it be a translation issue?

How does that state look for you in Lovelace?

When the set point is set manually:

state: auto
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: manual

When a schedule is dialed in:

state: auto
hvac_action: idle
preset_mode: Schedule

I see. So we don’t look at the state any more, because that’ what changed in the past.

So state will always stay at auto? If yes why don’t have the preset_mode in state as before

Well, there was a big refactoring effort some month ago across all climate components. state actually can be off, auto and heat.

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Ok, probably did not notice that because I don’t use those entities in summer.

With that information I was able to modify the sensor code above. It works again. It gives a fast overview if all thermostats are in auto or if at least one is set to manual.

      value_template: >-
        {% set devices = [  states.climate.netatmo_device1.attributes,
                            states.climate.netatmo_device5.attributes ] %}
        {% set auto_amount = devices | selectattr('preset_mode','eq','Schedule') | list | length %}        
        {{ 'Schedule' if auto_amount == devices | length else 'manual' }}
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I just checked my other netatmo thermostat entities and noticed that my boiler state sensor doesn’t work any more.

It seems like the boiler state attribute is gone too? Do you know how to get that value?

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Boiler'
      value_template: '{{ states.climate.netatmo_device1.attributes.boiler_status }}'
      icon_template: >
        {%- set boiler = states.climate.netatmo_device1.attributes.boiler_status -%}
        {%- if boiler -%} mdi:fire {% elif not boiler %} mdi:leaf {% endif %}