Addons Stats all at once?

You mean docker container/addon stats? Like this?

I’m more interested in memory buy could do thr same with CPU

That looks nice! Can you tell me how did you get it please?
Edit: I am using clean HASS OS.
Thank you!

I’m using hadockermon by Phil Hawthorne and a custom component hadockerswitch… If you can add docker containers it works well. I do run home assistant supervised (hassio) and start the extra containers by docker compose… if you do similar I can provide more details tomorrow when I’m at my computer.

I see… but unfortunately I don’t think I have that level of access in clean HASS OS.
Thanks anyway.


HACS installed

Card 1 current v - available version
Card 2 …
Card 3…

SMB Current Version - updated version

Anyone know how to get this info?

Add-ons I am running
file editor
mosquitto broker
ssh server
samba share

would like to show current version running and available

This will give you a lot of info on addons.

ha supervisor info

so how can one link that into HA to display on a screen?

Take a look at the api docs. Looks like you should be able to get the info you want.

Here’s an example of how to pull it into a sensor.

Another option is docker stats using the “SSH & Web Terminal” addon with protection mode off.

The following will pull the current version of an add-on you are running. Im using a0d7b954_adguard as an example here. a0d7b954_adguard is the end of the URL for my adguard addon and is the add-on name to use. Add-ons developed by HomeAssistant start with ‘core’.

You can create the long lived token on your profile page. The secret is "Bearer a;dkaldkfasuperlongstringoflettersandnumbersa;lkdfa;dlkfa;" that you get from your profile page. Just add the Bearer before it.

  - platform: rest
    name: adguard
    value_template: '{{ }}'
    scan_interval: 360
      Authorization: !secret llt
      Content-Type: application/json

To pull the latest version of an add-on you can use the github api.

  - platform: command_line
    command: 'curl'
    name: Lastest Release
    scan_interval: 360
    value_template: '{{ }}'

  1. What value would give you the current running version? I know date.state tells you if it is running or not but how can you figure out what values are available to dump.
- platform: rest
    name: adguard
    value_template: '{{ }}'
    scan_interval: 360
      Authorization: !secret llt
      Content-Type: application/json
  1. How do you figure out the name to put in after addon ?

Im really sorry, I was doing too much at once, ‘version’ will get the current running version. I edited the previous post.

Rather than the command line for the latest version. run a second rest sensor for last_version which pulls the latest available version that the add-on can see. Its also formatted the same as the other sensor if you want to compare the two for automatons.

Im not sure the full data set is documented anywhere. You can use various tools to probe the api and see what it returns. Here is a full dump using

All add-ons will report the same options from what I have seen.

{"result": "ok", "data": {"name": "AdGuard Home", "slug": "a0d7b954_adguard", "hostname": "a0d7b954-adguard", "dns": [""], "description": "Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server", "long_description": "# Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home\n\n[![Release][release-shield]][release] ![Project Stage][project-stage-shield] ![Project Maintenance][maintenance-shield]\n\n[![Discord][discord-shield]][discord] [![Community Forum][forum-shield]][forum]\n\n[![Sponsor Frenck via GitHub Sponsors][github-sponsors-shield]][github-sponsors]\n\n[![Support Frenck on Patreon][patreon-shield]][patreon]\n\nNetwork-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server.\n\n## About\n\nAdGuard Home is a network-wide ad-and-tracker blocking DNS server with\nparental control (adult content blocking) capabilities. Its purpose is to let\nyou control your entire network and all your devices, and it does not require\nusing a client-side program.\n\nAdGuard Home provides a beautiful, easy and feature-rich web interface to\neasily manage the filtering process and its settings.\n\n[Click here for the full documentation][docs]\n\n![AdGuard Home in the Home Assistant frontend][screenshot]\n\n[discord-shield]:\n[discord]:\n[docs]:\n[forum-shield]:\n[forum]:\n[github-sponsors-shield]:\n[github-sponsors]:\n[maintenance-shield]:\n[patreon-shield]:\n[patreon]:\n[project-stage-shield]:\n[release-shield]:\n[release]:\n[screenshot]:", "advanced": false, "stage": "stable", "auto_update": false, "repository": "a0d7b954", "version": "2.3.2", "last_version": "2.3.2", "protected": true, "rating": 6, "boot": "auto", "options": {"ssl": true, "certfile": "fullchain.pem", "keyfile": "privkey.pem"}, "schema": [{"name": "log_level", "optional": true, "type": "select", "options": ["trace", "debug", "info", "notice", "warning", "error", "fatal"]}, {"name": "ssl", "required": true, "type": "boolean"}, {"name": "certfile", "required": true, "type": "string"}, {"name": "keyfile", "required": true, "type": "string"}, {"name": "leave_front_door_open", "optional": true, "type": "boolean"}], "arch": ["aarch64", "amd64", "armhf", "armv7", "i386"], "machine": [], "homeassistant": "0.101.0b0", "url": "", "state": "started", "detached": false, "available": true, "build": false, "network": {"53/udp": 53, "80/tcp": null}, "network_description": {"53/udp": "DNS server port", "80/tcp": "Web interface (Not required for Ingress)"}, "host_network": true, "host_pid": false, "host_ipc": false, "host_dbus": false, "privileged": [], "full_access": false, "apparmor": "default", "devices": null, "icon": true, "logo": true, "changelog": true, "documentation": false, "stdin": false, "webui": "https://[HOST]:None", "hassio_api": true, "hassio_role": "default", "auth_api": true, "homeassistant_api": false, "gpio": false, "kernel_modules": false, "devicetree": false, "udev": false, "docker_api": false, "video": false, "audio": false, "audio_input": null, "audio_output": null, "services": [], "discovery": ["adguard"], "ip_address": "", "ingress": true, "ingress_entry": "/api/hassio_ingress/QnJ4lBldEEZCvZSM3hUnU-4wrl_bU_WsrkUTpV1DO_I", "ingress_url": "/api/hassio_ingress/QnJ4lBldEEZCvZSM3hUnU-4wrl_bU_WsrkUTpV1DO_I/", "ingress_port": 62974, "ingress_panel": true}}

Go to the addon page in the supervisor panel. Once on that page look at the end of the URL. For example, since you asked about them originally and are likely running them…

mosquitto broker = core_mosquitto
ssh server = core_ssh
samba share = core_samba

That should give you an idea of what to look for.

Man I really appreciate it. It all makes sense now. Thanks!


The only one not working is ssh server = core_ssh.
I will have to dig into it some more.

Are you using the Home Assistant Addon or the community addon? The community add-on will have a different name. Check the end of the URL.


My bad looked at my code again and had has/addons instead of hassio/addons for some reason. My fault!

Now how could I setup a trigger to send out an email when there is an update available.
I have two sensors for each addon.
The below for ssh would send out an email since latest is great than or not equal to current.

sensor.current_version_ssh state: 8.5.1
sensor.latest_version_ssh state: 8.5.2

You can use similar logic in the automation trigger to evaluate the states instead of the attributes on an entity update. The message would need to be tweaked also to utilize the correct data.

The template docs and the template dev tool are very helpful in figuring these things out.

Man that link for you addon updates rock - I cleaned mine up and reference yours! Thanks again man really apprecaite it. :+1: