Addons Stats all at once?

Are you using the Home Assistant Addon or the community addon? The community add-on will have a different name. Check the end of the URL.


My bad looked at my code again and had has/addons instead of hassio/addons for some reason. My fault!

Now how could I setup a trigger to send out an email when there is an update available.
I have two sensors for each addon.
The below for ssh would send out an email since latest is great than or not equal to current.

sensor.current_version_ssh state: 8.5.1
sensor.latest_version_ssh state: 8.5.2

You can use similar logic in the automation trigger to evaluate the states instead of the attributes on an entity update. The message would need to be tweaked also to utilize the correct data.

The template docs and the template dev tool are very helpful in figuring these things out.

Man that link for you addon updates rock - I cleaned mine up and reference yours! Thanks again man really apprecaite it. :+1: