Ademco/Honeywell/Vista ESPHome custom component with an esp32/esp8266

I have this portion of code amongst other scripts, etc. associated with home security in a separate “package” that’s pulled into the main config through ‘includes’.


  - platform: template
        name: "Vista Alarm"
        value_template: "{{states('sensor.vistaalarm_ss_1')}}"
        code_arm_required: false
          - service: esphome.vistaalarm_alarm_arm_away
              partition: 1

          - service: esphome.vistaalarm_alarm_arm_home
              partition: 1

          - service: esphome.vistaalarm_alarm_arm_night
              partition: 1

          - service: esphome.vistaalarm_alarm_disarm
              code: '{{ "!secret alarm_code" }}'
              partition: 1

From the disarm state, I’m able to arm to any of the 3 other armed states. However, from the armed states, I am unable to ‘disarm’ though. Nothing in the system logs suggests there’s anything wrong with the yaml, my secrets file does indeed have a matching entry for the actual 4 digit code, is there anything wrong you can spot?

edit: I should also add that when I go into developer tools and then actions and use the following, it does work properly:

action: esphome.vistaalarm_alarm_disarm
  code: "my 4 digit code"
  partition: 1

edit: in regards to the publish_initial_state, should I be putting that line back in for each zone?

The service works fine for disarm. The issue has something to do with how HA handles variables from secrets files I believe. It’s nothing I can really offer help with as I don’t use ha that way.
As to the publish_initial_state, no, you do not need to add it back. It’s done in the background already.

Thanks for that, it confirms I’m not going crazy!
Everything at the moment seems to be working like it did prior to me trying to update. I managed to get the wireless motion sensors back up and running by going to all the sensors themselves and popping the batteries out and then back in. Not sure why this did it, but a full shutdown of the system by unplugging AC and battery didn’t do it.

Again, thanks for all the help and creating/maintaining this component!

edit::ok, another quick question! now that the system has been online for good amount of time, I notice that it does tend to lose connection every so often but would reconnect almost immediately. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the below is one of those instances where it may have disconnected?

[13:59:13][W][component:237]: Component vista_alarm_panel took a long time for an operation (125 ms).
[13:59:13][W][component:238]: Components should block for at most 30 ms.

I can see that it will be in the ‘disarmed’ state and then for a short moment go to ‘unavailable’ or ‘unknown’ (and I’m not sure why it could be one or the other), and then once reconnected it would go back to being ‘disarmed’. is there a way to avoid the state change for these brief disconnects, aside from my end with the wifi?

I’m still not getting anything on the bus. Something’s wrong and I must be overlooking it. I bought these ESP32s and soldered one to howardchen3’s PCBA. I’m using USB for power. The soldering came out well this time I don’t think that’s the issue.

I’m sure I’m missing something easy. I’d appreciate any help getting pointed in the right direction.

#for documentation see project at
  name: "vista20p"                 #unique network name, system name
  friendlyName: "Vista 20P Alarm"  #used as the friendly name of your application in HomeAssistant
  panelId: "Vista20P"              #used as the service variable name.
  accesscode: !secret access_code 

  id: $panelId
  accesscode: $accesscode #Only comes into effect if needed for arming and quickarm is not set
  maxzones: "48" #maximum amount of zones that your panel supports
  maxpartitions: "1" #maximum amount of partitions that your panel supports

  # Enroll your RF serial devices here. Format: serial#:loop#:zone#  Each record is comma separated.
  # For most devices loop1 is used such as 5800pir, other devices such as 5816 will use loop2.  Please refer to your
  # RF device programming (*56 program) to see what loop and zones are assigned to your RF devices. 
  # You can refer to the pdf link below for more details on loop numbers 
  # Note: These entries are used to identify and report immediate open/close/battery
  # activities directly from your RF devices, bypassing the panel. This is beneficial
  # since the panel only reports open events to the keypads. The firmware will work fine
  # without these entries except you will have a delay of TTL milliseconds before 
  # the report of closed zones. 
  ### I don't think I have this 
  #rfseriallookup: "0019994:2:66,0818433:4:22,0123456:1:55,0399512:1:17" # serial1:loop#:zone1,serial2:loop#:zone2
  defaultpartition: "1" #set to your main partition
  vistadebuglevel: "3" #component debug level for messages

  #assign a new virtual keypad address to each active partition using programs *190 - *196
  #and enter it below.  For unused partitions, use 0 as the keypad address.
  keypadaddr1: "17" #partition 1 virtual keyapd
  keypadaddr2: "0" #partition 2 virtual keypad. set to 0 to disable
  keypadaddr3: "0" #partition 3 virtual keypad. set to 0 to disable
  auiaddr: "2" #AUI address from program field *189 to use for zone status queries. Ensure it is not assigned to a real keypad.

  rxpin: "22" #GPIO pin to use for data receive (yellow line) 
  txpin: "21" #GPIO pin to use for data transmit (green line)
  monitorpin: "18" #GPIO pin to use for monitoring module traffic such as RF or Expanders . Set to -1 to disable

  ###input mode control
  invert_mon: "true"
  invert_rx: "true"
  invert_tx: "true"
  input_mode_rx: INPUT
  input_mode_mon: INPUT
  #rxpin: "5" #GPIO pin to use for data receive (yellow line) 
  #txpin: "4" #GPIO pin to use for data transmit (green line)
  #monitorpin: "14" #GPIO pin to use for monitoring module traffic such as RF or Expanders . Set to -1 to disable
  #note for the vista128 and vista250, the expanderaddr and relayaddr addresses must be 0
  # module addresses:
  # 07 4229 zone expander  zones 9-16
  # 08 4229 zone expander zones 17-24
  # 09 4229 zone expander zones 25-32
  # 10 4229 zone expander zones 33-40
  # 11 4229 zone expander zones 41 48
  # 12 4204 relay module  
  # 13 4204 relay module
  # 14 4204 relay module
  # 15 4204 relay module
  expanderaddr1: "0" # 1st zone expander emulator (4229) address to use . Set to 0 to disable. 
  expanderaddr2: "0" # 2nd expander emulator address to use . Set to 0 to disable. 
  relayaddr1: "0" # relay module emulation (4204) addresses. Set to 0 to disable
  relayaddr2: "0"
  relayaddr3: "0"
  relayaddr4: "0"
  ttl: "30000"  # time  to live  in ms for zone/fire status before expiring;
  quickarm: "false"
  lrrsupervisor: "false" # set to true if we don't have an LRR monitoring supervisor  we can emulate one to get the statuses
  clean_build: "false" #default is false.  only set to true if getting duplication errors in linking step. Once you compile, reset it back to false.  
  board: nodemcu-32s
    type: arduino
    version: recommended

#  board: nodemcuv2
#  framework:
#    version: recommended

#location of alarm panel code.  You can use the github release version  or 
#copy the code to directory "my_components" in your main esphome directory
# see here for more info:    
  - source: github://Dilbert66/esphome-components@dev #uncomment to use github repository
  #- source:  my_components #uncomment to use local directory  
    components: [vista_alarm_panel,template_alarm,web_keypad,mg_lib] 
    refresh: 10min
## web keypad component
## each included files will be downloaded automatically and compiled within the flash.  
## there will be no need for internet access when running. 
#For www.js build details and source:
#Component source:
### Note: this is an ESP32 only component. The esp8266 does not support the resources needed.


#  port: 80 
#  partitions: 1  # a keypad will be shown for each partition
#  log: false
#  auth:          #this section is optional. Enable if you need authentication/encryption
#    username: test
#    password: test
#    encryption: true  #set true to use AES256HMAC encryption/auth for sent keys and returned LCD messages
#                     #set to false to use Digest authentication - no encryption
#  config_url:
#  js_url:
#  ## If you prefer to use locally hosted compile time files comment two lines above and uncomment below  
#  #config_local: ./config_vista.yml     
#  #js_local: ./www.js    
#   ## custom function call to send keypresses if other than dsc/vista components are used. Parmeters are a string keys and int partition
#  service_lambda: |- 
#      $panelId->alarm_keypress_partition(keys,partition);    
#you can remove/disable this section if you don't want your panel time updated automatically. 
  - interval: 7200s
      - lambda: |-
  name: $name
  friendly_name: $friendlyName

###Example of how to set the panel time from the esp time on bootup  
#  #on_boot:
#    priority: 600
#    then:
#      - lambda: |-
#            $panelId->set_panel_time();  
# output sympols to for debugging. you can remove if not needed
        - "-Wl,-Map,"  

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

    ssid: "$name"
    password: !secret wifi_password

  baud_rate: 115200
  level: debug

     key: !secret encryption_key   
#to use mqtt disable the api: section above. This enables you to use esphome with 
#non homeassistant systems
#modify the mqtt section to your needs

  #port: 1883
  #username: mqttuser
  #password: mqttuser
  #discovery_prefix: "homeassistant" 
  #topic_prefix: $name


   platform: esphome
   password: !secret ota_password
   #on_begin: #disabled due to bug in esphome
       #switch.turn_off: connection_status_switch  

 - platform: sntp

# Edit binary and text sensors below to suit your alarm setup.
# You can safely add or remove any sensor as needed. 
# The id code is entered using the "id:" tag.  Alternatively you can
# add the id code in round brackets  at the end of the sensor name: eg. (z1)

### zone sensors ###
# open/close status for each zone 
# zone id code = z+zone number
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z1
    name: "Fire"
    device_class: door

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z2
    name: "Front door"
    device_class: door

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z3
    name: "Kitchen and Family Room"
    device_class: door

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z4
    name: "Living Room and Office Windows"
    device_class: window

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z5
    name: "Kathryn and Guest Windows"
    device_class: window

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z6
    name: "Master Bedroom"
    device_class: window

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z7
    name: "Garage"
    device_class: window

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z8
    name: "Unknown"
    device_class: window

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z10
    name: "Entryway Motion"
    device_class: motion

### you can also add fields to show fault statuses of other devices you have.  The id will be 1 + device address.  

###relay addresses are 12/13/14/15
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: z112    
#    name: "check relay 12"  
#    device_class: problem

###zone expander device addresses are 07/08/09/10/11
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: z108    
#    name: "check expander 08"  
#    device_class: problem

###comm device address such as Alarmnet/LRR is 03
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: z103    
#    name: "check comm device"  
#    device_class: problem
### non zone sensors ###

### partition ready status
### ready id code = rdy_ + partition number
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: rdy_1
    name: "Ready partiton 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: rdy_2
#    name: "Ready partition 2"  

### partition/panel trouble status 
### trouble id code = trbl_ + partition number
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: trbl_1
    name: "Trouble Partition 1"
    device_class: problem

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: trbl_2
#    name: "Trouble partition 2"
#    device_class: problem   
### bypass zones active status
### bypass id code = byp_ + partition number   
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: byp_1
    name: "Bypass Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: byp_2
#    name: "Bypass partition 2"

### armed away status
### armed away id code = arma_ + partition number 
  - platform: template_alarm
    name: "Away Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: arma_2
#    name: "Away partition 2"
### armed status 
### armed id code = arm_ + partition number
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: arm_1  
    name: "Armed Partition 1"  

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: arma_1  
#    name: "Armed partition 2" 
### armed stay status
### armed stay id code = arms_ + partition number      
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: arms_1  
    name: "Stay Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: arms_2  
#    name: "Stay partition 2"

### armed instant status
### armed instant id code = armi_ + partition number    
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: armi_1
    name: "Instant Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: armi_2  
#    name: "Instant partition 2"
### armed night status
### armed night id code = armn_ + partition number      
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: armn_1  
    name: "Night Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: armi_2
#    name: "Instant partition 2"   
### ac status
### ac id code = (ac)     
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: ac  
    name: "AC Status"
    device_class: plug  
### chime status
### chime id code = chm_ + partition number   
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: chm_1  
    name: "Chime Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: chm_2  
#    name: "Chime partition 2"  

### alarm status
### alarm id code = alm_ + partition number    
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: alm_1  
    name: "Alarm Partition 1"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: alm_2  
#    name: "Alarm partition 2" 
### battery status
### battery id code = bat    
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: bat  
    name: "Battery Status"
    device_class: problem

### fire alarm status
### fire alarm id code = fire_ + partition number     
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: fire_1  
    name: "Fire Partition 1"  
    device_class: smoke

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: fire_2  
#    name: "Fire partition 2"  
#    device_class: smoke   

### relay status
### relay id code = r + address + channel   
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: r121  
    name: "Relay1"

  - platform: template_alarm
    id: r122  
    name: "Relay2"   

#### text sensors ####

###alternative zone status as a text sensor. Values:  O=open, B=bypass,T=trbl or check,A=alarm
### zone id code = z+zone number
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: z1s_messages
    name: "Front door zone z1"

### system status messages
### system status id code = ss_ + partition number  
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: ss_1  
    name: "System Status Partition 1"
    icon: "mdi:shield"

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: ss_2  
#    name: "System Status partition 2"
#    icon: "mdi:shield"    

### long range radio messages
### lrr id code = lrr 
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: lrr  
#    name: "Lrr Msg"
#    icon: "mdi:alert-box"

### RF zone messages
### RF id code = rf  
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    id: rf  
#    name: "RF Msg"
#    icon: "mdi:alert-box"    

### virtual lcd keypad line1 and line2 messages for each partition   
### partition line1 id code = ln1_ + partition number
### partition line2 id code = ln2_ + partition number
### partition 1
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: ln1_1    
    name: "Line1 Partition 1"
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: ln2_1    
    name: "Line2 Partition 1"

### partition 2
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    name: "Line1 partition 2"
#    id: ln1_2   
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    name: "Line2 partition 2"
#    id: ln2_2    

### zone status messages bypas/open/alarm
### zone status id code = zs
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: zs
    name: "Zone Status" 

### system beeps
### beeps id code = bp_ + partition number     
  - platform: template_alarm
    id: bp_1
    name: "Beeps Partition 1"  

###Partition 2 example
#  - platform: template_alarm
#    name: "Beeps partition 2"
#    id: bp_2    
###optional cmd button example.  Send any keypad keys 
#    - platform: template_alarm
#      name: Gate Button
#      id: gate1
#      icon: "mdi:emoticon-outline"    
#      on_press:
#        - lambda: |-
#            $panelId->alarm_keypress_partition("${accesscode}#701",1);    

# - platform: gpio  #example use of pin d8 as a zone trigger port for the emulated zone expander
#    pin: D8
#    id: pind8
#    device_class: window
#    on_press:       #zone,on/off
#      - lambda: |-
#          $panelId->setZoneFault(17,1);
#    on_release:
#      - lambda: |-
#          $panelId->setZoneFault(17,0);    

 # end of panel sensor setup - no need to edit anything below.
  - platform: template
    name: "$name Connection"
    id: connection_status_switch
    restore_mode: DISABLED    
    lambda: |-
      return $panelId->connected();
    icon: "mdi:shield-link-variant"
      - switch.toggle: restart_switch
      - lambda: |-

  - platform: restart
    id: restart_switch

  - platform: safe_mode
    name: "Safe Mode"   

  update_interval: 300s

  - platform: debug
      name: "Heap Free"
      name: "Heap Max Block"
      name: "Loop Time"   

    #fragmentation: #esp8266 only
     # name: "Heap Fragmentation"      
INFO ESPHome 2024.10.3
INFO Reading configuration /config/vista20p.yaml...
INFO Detected timezone 'America/Los_Angeles'
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to vista20p @ in 0.224s
INFO Successful handshake with vista20p @ in 0.078s
[15:33:16][I][app:100]: ESPHome version 2024.10.3 compiled on Nov  9 2024, 15:31:25
[15:33:16][C][wifi:600]: WiFi:
[15:33:16][C][wifi:428]:   Local MAC: D8:13:2A:2E:C8:50
[15:33:16][C][wifi:433]:   SSID: 'Schlinternet24'[redacted]
[15:33:16][C][wifi:436]:   IP Address:
[15:33:16][C][wifi:440]:   BSSID: D4:5D:64:E9:61:91[redacted]
[15:33:16][C][wifi:441]:   Hostname: 'vista20p'
[15:33:16][C][wifi:443]:   Signal strength: -72 dB ▂▄▆█
[15:33:16][C][wifi:447]:   Channel: 11
[15:33:16][C][wifi:448]:   Subnet:
[15:33:17][C][wifi:449]:   Gateway:
[15:33:17][C][wifi:450]:   DNS1:
[15:33:17][C][wifi:451]:   DNS2:
[15:33:17][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[15:33:17][C][logger:186]:   Level: DEBUG
[15:33:17][C][logger:188]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[15:33:17][C][logger:189]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Fire'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'door'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Front door'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'door'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Kitchen and Family Room'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'door'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Living Room and Office Windows'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'window'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Kathryn and Guest Windows'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'window'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Master Bedroom'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'window'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Garage'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'window'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Unknown'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'window'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Entryway Motion'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'motion'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Ready partiton 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Trouble Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'problem'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Bypass Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Away Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Armed Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Stay Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Instant Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Night Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'AC Status'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'plug'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Chime Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Alarm Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Battery Status'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'problem'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Fire Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]:   Device Class: 'smoke'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Relay1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.binary_sensor:032]: Template Alarm Binary Sensor 'Relay2'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'Front door zone z1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'System Status Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:shield'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'Line1 Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'Line2 Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'Zone Status'
[15:33:17][C][template_alarm.text_sensor:021]: Template Alarm Sensor 'Beeps Partition 1'
[15:33:17][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'vista20p Connection'
[15:33:17][C][template.switch:070]:   Icon: 'mdi:shield-link-variant'
[15:33:17][C][template.switch:091]:   Restore Mode: disabled 
[15:33:17][C][template.switch:057]:   Optimistic: NO
[15:33:17][C][restart:068]: Restart Switch 'restart_switch'
[15:33:17][C][restart:070]:   Icon: 'mdi:restart'
[15:33:17][C][restart:091]:   Restore Mode: always OFF
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode.switch:068]: Safe Mode Switch 'Safe Mode'
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode.switch:070]:   Icon: 'mdi:restart-alert'
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode.switch:091]:   Restore Mode: always OFF
[15:33:17][C][sntp:048]: SNTP Time:
[15:33:17][C][sntp:049]:   Server 1: ''
[15:33:17][C][sntp:050]:   Server 2: ''
[15:33:17][C][sntp:051]:   Server 3: ''
[15:33:17][C][sntp:052]:   Timezone: 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0'
[15:33:17][C][mdns:116]: mDNS:
[15:33:17][C][mdns:117]:   Hostname: vista20p
[15:33:17][C][esphome.ota:073]: Over-The-Air updates:
[15:33:17][C][esphome.ota:074]:   Address: vista20p.local:3232
[15:33:17][C][esphome.ota:075]:   Version: 2
[15:33:17][C][esphome.ota:078]:   Password configured
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode:018]: Safe Mode:
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode:020]:   Boot considered successful after 60 seconds
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode:021]:   Invoke after 10 boot attempts
[15:33:17][C][safe_mode:023]:   Remain in safe mode for 300 seconds
[15:33:17][C][api:140]: API Server:
[15:33:17][C][api:141]:   Address: vista20p.local:6053
[15:33:17][C][api:143]:   Using noise encryption: YES
[15:33:17][C][debug:021]: Debug component:
[15:33:17][C][debug:026]:   Free space on heap 'Heap Free'
[15:33:17][C][debug:026]:     State Class: ''
[15:33:17][C][debug:026]:     Unit of Measurement: 'B'
[15:33:17][C][debug:026]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[15:33:17][C][debug:026]:     Icon: 'mdi:counter'
[15:33:17][C][debug:027]:   Largest free heap block 'Heap Max Block'
[15:33:17][C][debug:027]:     State Class: ''
[15:33:17][C][debug:027]:     Unit of Measurement: 'B'
[15:33:17][C][debug:027]:     Accuracy Decimals: 0
[15:33:17][C][debug:027]:     Icon: 'mdi:counter'
[15:33:17][D][debug:035]: ESPHome version 2024.10.3
[15:33:17][D][debug:039]: Free Heap Size: 207072 bytes
[15:33:17][D][debug:162]: Flash Chip: Size=4096kB Speed=40MHz Mode=DIO
[15:33:17][D][debug:210]: Chip: Model=ESP32, Features=WIFI_BGN,BLE,BT, Cores=2, Revision=3
[15:33:17][D][debug:218]: ESP-IDF Version: v4.4.2
[15:33:17][D][debug:223]: EFuse MAC: D8:13:2A:2E:C8:50
[15:33:17][D][debug:129]: Reset Reason: Software Reset CPU
[15:33:17][D][debug:271]: Wakeup Reason: Unknown
[15:33:43][D][vista_alarm:982][cmdQueueTask]: High water stack level:  1572
[15:34:13][D][vista_alarm:982][cmdQueueTask]: High water stack level:  1572
[15:34:43][D][vista_alarm:982][cmdQueueTask]: High water stack level:  1572
[15:35:13][D][vista_alarm:982][cmdQueueTask]: High water stack level:  1572
[15:35:43][D][vista_alarm:982][cmdQueueTask]: High water stack level:  1572

Your picture with the wiring is missing the black and red wires from the panel to the board

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Yeah. I knew I was going to be embarrassed by the answer. I was so focused on figuring out ESPHome I didn’t check the hardware. Thank you for pointing that out!

Not sure why you are getting those disconnects. Could be a number of things, wifi connections, reboots, etc. The warnings about vista_alarm_panel took a long time can be ignored. That’ s normal. No issues there. Just a result of some warnings that the esphome devs added to just annoy people …

The only way to know for sure is to monitor the device via the serial usb connection. You can do that using the esphome dashboard or

Now that I think about it, I did remember seeing a few watchdog timeouts when using the async polling for the esp32. FYI, with some esp32’s having 2 cores, it is very convenient to use the second core for time sensitive tasks such as polling the panel bus. To do this, I implement a separate task that runs asynchronously and removes any delay in cmd responses. This task, sometimes can cause a watchdog timeout/reboot which should not be happening as I am feeding the wd, but there might be a process somewhere that is causing issues. Anyhow, I’ve added a yaml config to control if that task is used or not. To see if it fixes your issue, set it to false as shown below:

  #enable use of second esp32 core for async polling of panel data. default: true
  use_async_polling: false

With the help of rwoldberg and his esphome logs, I was able to add the ability to update the time on the panel using the AUI protocol (touch keypads). The new code is on “dev” branch. You can call the set_panel_time() service from HA or use an ESPHOME interval section to do it automatically. Example:

  - interval: 600s
      - lambda: |-

The time will be synced with the ESP time as configured in the “time:” section.

The AUI protocol is also used to capture zone open/close events immediately avoiding having to use the TTL delay to determine if a zone is closed.
To use this, you need to set the auiaddress in the yaml to an active aui device address (1,2,5 or 6) and make sure it’s not assigned to another device if possible. See the yaml example for more info.