Adhan automation (الأذان التلقائي للصلاة) using google home mini

That is one intense automation code, well done!

Does your source web site has all the times for USA, state and cities?

I see ABD (USA) is included. These are diyanet times only. So most likely only relevant if you are Turkish…

Thank you. I am not Turkish but I was interested in Imsak notification and would love to implement it in my setup from the Islamic prayer times integration.

I have been trying to scrape my local website for timings for the past few weeks and just cant get my head around how to get it to work. I have managed to scrape the time which shows as 4:57 am but can not get it to format as a timestamp. This is my code:

  - resource:
      - name: "Fajr_Prayer_Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ value.split("am")[0] }}'

The value template for this is:

    value_template: >
      {{ strptime(states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p').strftime('%H:%M') }}

This turned out to be a bit messy, as the HTML in that table is a long way from standards-compliant. The data is in the third <tr> element, but the mess of <td> and <th> tags make it impossible to scrape any further.

Scraping that <tr> element gives this (for today):

Begins4:07 am5:42 am1:04 pm5:58 pm8:16 pm9:29 pm

So we’ll configure our sensors to pull out those times, with the second time being sunrise. The regex pattern is looking for an optional 1 (in e.g. 10:15 am) followed by digit:digit digit then am or pm. It should find all six as a list, so we just need to tell each sensor which one it’s using.

  - resource:
      - name: "Fajr Prayer Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ today_at(strptime((value|regex_findall("(1?\d:\d\d\ [ap]m)"))[0], "%I:%M %p").strftime("%H:%M")) }}'
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "Zuhr Prayer Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ today_at(strptime((value|regex_findall("(1?\d:\d\d\ [ap]m)"))[2], "%I:%M %p").strftime("%H:%M")) }}'
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "Asr Prayer Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ today_at(strptime((value|regex_findall("(1?\d:\d\d\ [ap]m)"))[3], "%I:%M %p").strftime("%H:%M")) }}'
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "Maghrib Prayer Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ today_at(strptime((value|regex_findall("(1?\d:\d\d\ [ap]m)"))[4], "%I:%M %p").strftime("%H:%M")) }}'
        device_class: timestamp

      - name: "Isha Prayer Time"
        select: "tr"
        index: 2
        value_template: '{{ today_at(strptime((value|regex_findall("(1?\d:\d\d\ [ap]m)"))[5], "%I:%M %p").strftime("%H:%M")) }}'
        device_class: timestamp

This assumes sunrise is always in between Fajr and Zuhr. If that’s not the case, it gets a bit more difficult but not impossible.

Also, you can create these sensors via the UI:

Settings / Devices & Services / Integrations (at the top) / Add integration / Scrape

Brother you dont understand how much i appreciate your post. I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks losing my sleep. Thank you so much!

I managed to get the timings separated by using this code which looked for the td tables, however the code you provided worked instantly and can not thank you enough.

  - resource:
      - name: "Fajr_Prayer_Time"
        select: "td"
        index: 1
        value_template: "{{ strptime(states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time'), '%H:%M %p').strftime('%H:%M %p') }}"
1 Like

finally done! :smiley:


Where do you get the icons from?

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:layout-card
    layout_type: custom:grid
      grid-template-columns: auto 120px
      grid-template-rows: auto auto
      margin: '-4px 0px -10px -4px;'
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Prayer Timings
        secondary: >-
          {{ states('sensor.next_prayer') }} | {{
          states('sensor.time_until_next_prayer_formatted') }} time left
        icon: mdi:mosque
        entity: sensor.next_prayer
          action: none
          action: none
        icon_color: red
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.fajr_prayer_time
        primary: Fajr
        secondary: |
          {{ states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up
        icon_color: '#F44336'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.dhuhr_prayer_time
        primary: Dhuhr
        secondary: |
          {{ states('sensor.dhuhr_prayer_time') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunny
        icon_color: '#F1C40F'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.asr_prayer_time
        primary: Asr
        secondary: |
          {{ states('sensor.asr_prayer_time') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset-down
        icon_color: '#9C27B0'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.maghrib_prayer_time
        primary: Maghrib
        secondary: |
          {{ states('sensor.maghrib_prayer_time') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset
        icon_color: '#FF9800'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.isha_prayer_time
        primary: Isha
        secondary: |
          {{ states('sensor.isha_prayer_time') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-night
        icon_color: '#673AB7'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
    style: |
      ha-card {
        background: none;
        box-shadow: none;

Thank you for providing the code for the prayer cards. It have a couple of questions.

  1. For next prayer timings you have the below code. Could you provide details on how you defined the sensors and where to add them.

secondary: >-
          {{ states('sensor.next_prayer') }} | {{
          states('sensor.time_until_next_prayer_formatted') }} time left
        icon: mdi:mosque
        entity: sensor.next_prayer

  1. For standard prayer times I have sensors like sensor.fajr_prayer, and you have sensor.fajr_prayer_time. To get my card to show the time I removed the _prayer to point it to the defined sensor. Doing this shows the entire date with time. How can I modify the code to show just the time?

Which Integration are you using to fetch Prayer times?

Here’s my complete code. I use Al-Adhan API for prayer timing. If you want to use this source then replace ‘USE_YOUR-LATITUDE’ and ‘USE_YOUR_LONGITUDE’ with your location’s lat and lon. Also, change school if you follow other than Hanafi.

- platform: rest
    name: "Prayer Times"
      - data
    resource: ""
    value_template: '{{ value_json["data"]["meta"]["method"]["name"].title() }}'
    scan_interval: 3600

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Fajr Prayer Time"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Fajr']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }}
        friendly_name: "Dhuhr Prayer Time"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Dhuhr']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }}
        friendly_name: "Asr Prayer Time"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Asr']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }}
        friendly_name: "Maghrib Prayer Time"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Maghrib']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }}
        friendly_name: "Isha Prayer Time"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Isha']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }}
        friendly_name: "Imsak"
        value_template: >
          {{ today_at(state_attr('sensor.prayer_times','data').timings['Imsak']).strftime("%I:%M %p") }} 
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Next Prayer
        value_template: >-
          {% set now = strptime(states('sensor.time'), '%H:%M') %}
          {% set imsak = strptime(states('sensor.imsak_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set fajr = strptime(states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set dhuhr = strptime(states('sensor.dhuhr_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set asr = strptime(states('sensor.asr_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set maghrib = strptime(states('sensor.maghrib_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set isha = strptime(states('sensor.isha_prayer_time'), '%I:%M %p') %}

          {% if now < imsak %}
            {{ states('sensor.imsak_time') }}
          {% elif imsak <= now < fajr %}
            {{ states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time') }}
          {% elif fajr <= now < dhuhr %}
            {{ states('sensor.dhuhr_prayer_time') }}
          {% elif dhuhr <= now < asr %}
            {{ states('sensor.asr_prayer_time') }}
          {% elif asr <= now < maghrib %}
            {{ states('sensor.maghrib_prayer_time') }}
          {% elif maghrib <= now < isha %}
            {{ states('sensor.isha_prayer_time') }}
          {% else %}
            {% set tomorrow = now + timedelta(days=1) %}
            {% set tomorrow_str = tomorrow.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %}
            {{ states('sensor.fajr_prayer_time', {'date': tomorrow_str}) }}
          {% endif %}
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Time Until Next Prayer
        value_template: >-
          {% set current_time = now().strftime('%H:%M') %}
          {% set next_prayer = states('sensor.next_prayer') %}
          {% set next_prayer_datetime = strptime(next_prayer, '%I:%M %p') %}
          {% set current_datetime = strptime(current_time, '%H:%M').replace(year=next_prayer_datetime.year, month=next_prayer_datetime.month, %}
          {% if current_datetime < next_prayer_datetime %}
            {{ (next_prayer_datetime - current_datetime).total_seconds() }}
          {% else %}
            {{ (next_prayer_datetime + timedelta(days=1) - current_datetime).total_seconds() }}
          {% endif %}
        unit_of_measurement: seconds
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Time Until Next Prayer Formatted
        value_template: >-
          {% set total_seconds = states('sensor.time_until_next_prayer') | float %}
          {% set hours = (total_seconds // 3600) | int %}
          {% set minutes = ((total_seconds % 3600) // 60) | int %}
          {{ '%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes) }}

1 Like

Thank you. Using Islamic Prayer Times integration.

I am pretty close. There are just two minor issues that I am looking to clean up.

  1. The “PRAYER TIMES” heading is not showing up on my card. Is there a separate code for that?
  2. My cards have this ugly border all around them. How do I get rid of that?


I think “Prayer Times” in that specific example is another card.

The borders can be removed via card_mod

I have card-mod installed. Using the same code provided in the earlier post. Tried a few other options by searching other codes as well. The borders are still persistent.

Add it a couple of times for each element.

          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;

Thank you. I tried it, still no dice. Here is my complete card code. Would appreciate if you could identify what I am missing

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:layout-card
    layout_type: custom:grid
      grid-template-columns: auto 120px
      grid-template-rows: auto auto
      margin: '-4px 0px -10px -4px;'
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Prayer Timings
        secondary: >-
          {{ states('sensor.next_prayer') }} | {{
          states('sensor.time_until_next_prayer_formatted') }} time left
        icon: mdi:mosque
        entity: sensor.next_prayer
          action: none
          action: none
        icon_color: green
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.fajr_prayer_time
        primary: Fajr
        secondary: >
          {{ states('sensor.fajr_prayer') | as_timestamp |
          timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset-up
        icon_color: '#F44336'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.dhuhr_prayer_time
        primary: Dhuhr
        secondary: >
          {{ states('sensor.dhuhr_prayer') | as_timestamp |
          timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunny
        icon_color: '#F1C40F'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.asr_prayer_time
        primary: Asr
        secondary: >
          {{ states('sensor.asr_prayer') | as_timestamp |
          timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset
        icon_color: '#9C27B0'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.maghrib_prayer_time
        primary: Maghrib
        secondary: >
          {{ states('sensor.maghrib_prayer') | as_timestamp |
          timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-sunset-down
        icon_color: '#FF9800'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.isha_prayer_time
        primary: Isha
        secondary: >
          {{ states('sensor.isha_prayer') | as_timestamp |
          timestamp_custom('%I:%M %p') }}
        icon: mdi:weather-night
        icon_color: '#673AB7'
          action: more-info
        layout: vertical
        fill_container: false
        multiline_secondary: false
          style: |
            ha-card {
            --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;
            .mushroom-template-card .title {
              grid-row: 1 / 2; /* span across the first row */
              justify-self: start; /* align to the left */
            .mushroom-template-card .subtitle {
              grid-row: 2 / 3; /* span across the second row */
              justify-self: end; /* align to the right */
    style: |
      ha-card {
      --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px ;