ADT Pulse integration

Hi folks,
I just pushed version It contains the fix for issues with ADT portal 13.0.0-153.
My apologies for not getting to this earlier. I appreciate your patience. Special thanks to Damien for debugging it.

please feel free to report issues at


Seems to be working. Thanks to both of you.

Thanks Haruny!
This truly is an awesome addon.

If you are using as standalone Docker container, I now have automated Docker Hub builds working directly from Github for both amd64 and armhf (Raspberry Pi). See

Hi has anyone been able to configure lights and switches for ADT Pulse?

Here’s an example of my switch turning on and off.

adt/zone/Porch Lights/state {“id”:“lighting-29”,“devIndex”:“7”,“name”:“Porch Lights”,“tags”:“lighting,switch,zw”,“status”:“devStatLightOn”,“statusTxt”:“Porch Lights - On\nLast Activity: Today 9:21 AM”,“activityTs”:1560003685567}

adt/zone/Porch Lights/state {“id”:“lighting-29”,“devIndex”:“7”,“name”:“Porch Lights”,“tags”:“lighting,switch,zw”,“status”:“devStatOKlight”,“statusTxt”:“Porch Lights - Off\nLast Activity: Today 9:21 AM”,“activityTs”:1560003691630}

my config yaml entry


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Porch Lights”
    state_topic: “adt/zone/Porch Lights/state”
    command_topic: “adt/zone/Porch Lights/state”
    payload_on: “devStatLightOn” # Use devStatTamper for shock devices
    payload_off: “devStatOKlight” #
    retain: false
    value_template: ‘{{ value_json.status }}’

The switch will go on and off on the dashboard but it never actually turns on.

ADT seems to have updated their site again to 15.0.0-130, anyone else having trouble getting this working, mine just dumps HTML in the log output. Thanks

Harun put in a fix and released a few hours ago. I’m working on getting the fix onto Docker Hub.

edit: tags are built and it’s building the latest tags now (digitalcraig/adt-pulse-mqtt)

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Hi I have a question.

When I run this command should it return information?

mosquitto_sub -h YOUR_MQTT_IP -v -t “adt/zone/#”

Mine only returns information if I activiate the sensor i.e. open or close the door/window etc. took me a while to figure that out. I’m still trying to figure out how to turn my lights and switches on and off. I have the Alarm working and also the Sensors will go to open/closed so mqtt seems to be comunicating with my system.

core-ssh:~# mosquitto_sub -h xx.x.x.xx -p 1883 -u XXXXXX -P XXXXXX -v -t “#” -d -v
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh received CONNACK (0)
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, ‘home/alarm/state’, … (10 bytes))
home/alarm/state armed_away
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r1, m0, ‘adt/zone/KSW1/state’, … (14 bytes))
adt/zone/KSW1/state devStatLightOn
Client mosqsub|74-core-ssh received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘adt/zone/KSW1/state’, … (185 bytes))
adt/zone/KSW1/state {“id”:“lighting-30”,“devIndex”:“8”,“name”:“KSW1”,“tags”:“lighting,switch,zw”,“status”:“devStatLightOn”,“statusTxt”:“KSW1 - On\nLast Activity: Today 12:12 PM”,“activityTs”:1560186756007}

There is nothing listening the light/switch topics from MQTT to communicate back to ADT Portal. This is a missing feature.

yeah, I had a feeling it was something like that. I did dig around on the page that you can control them from.

not sure if this helps, but that’s the button that turns the off/on
doSubmit( ‘/myhome/15.0.0-130/quickcontrol/serv/RunRRACommand?sat=48a8161b-5090-40c2-bcce-0d07f800e4ad&href=rest/adt/ui/client/lighting/lighting-30/setOnOff&onOrOff=0’

could you dump your mqtt in ?

How do I get the dump?
mosquitto_sub -h xx.x.x.xx -p 1883 -u XXXXXX -P XXXXXX -v -t “#”

This doesn’t do anything unless I send a command to the switch

Is that what you needed?

so these are correctly changing in MQTT when you switch the lights on/off?
If so, you should be able to parse the JSON in Home Assistant config as a mqtt switch.

I too need to know how to get the dump. When I run the mosquitto command, it only gives me output when a door is opened or motion triggers a sensor.

Right. Stop the addon.

Run the command:

mosquitto_sub -h YOUR_MQTT_IP -v -t “#”

Start the add on.
You should see an amount of data coming in.

I got some data from the original command. I was able to add my door sensors, but curious if you made any progress on cameras or smoke detectors. I also have a outlet plug that with my system too. Let me know if I can help.

Unfortunately I don’t have those devices and it’s hard to for me to develop something without debugging.

This is correct, it won’t dump the current status, just tell you when something changes status.
I believe this is an issue with MQTT not retaining the states, but I’m not positive yet.

I’m working on a related issue, where I’ve started building automations based on the ADT sensors, but after an HA restart, all of the sensors default to “off” regardless of the actual state. That makes it less than ideal.

This is normal. There is no retain flag set on purpose.
The source of truth is the ADP Portal, therefore retain didn’t make sense for me to set.
It takes couple of seconds at boot to read the values and set right.

How often is the broker polling ADT? I have sensors that never update to the actual state, unless that state changes. So if a window is open when HA restarts. That window will show as closed, and it will never update, unless I close it and then re-open it.