Advanced HarmonyHub control

I think it would be great to see a more advanced HarmonyHub control integration similar to this one.

One that could allow for custom buttons, like for changing channels on an activity, TV or radio etc.

Right now I can start and stop the activity but cannot control anything else such as channel, volume etc etc.

Your thoughts?


All of that can be configured today. You can send any command or sequence of commands that is supported by the Harmony remote. Using the REMOTE.SEND_COMMAND service.

Logitech Harmony Hub - Home Assistant (

It’s easy, but repetitive and a bit time consuming for initial configuration. However, that tends to be the price you pay for something very customisable. YAML is your friend here as cut and paste cuts down the time.

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Damn I didn’t know this!
So could I custom design a card that looks sexy and have the numbers and everything in it using YAML?

Could you show me an example?


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I once (actually twice) spent time creating comprehensive remotes, only to find that mostly people would still get the harmony remote rather than unlock their phone and load the app / browser. YMMV. I’ve linked to how I did both versions below. It was a long time ago and I no longer use it.

Now I have a simpler approach with just a few key controls, but the principle can be expanded to include whatever you like. I use button cards within a grid card and nest things as I want to control the layout.

Very little of the above is anything to do with the Harmony, but the principle’s the same.

Context aware Harmony remote setup - Share your Projects! / Lovelace & Frontend - Home Assistant Community (

Thats awesome! I once tried to do this to set the channels as images but I never knew how to actually set the channel, not knowing about this.

Where do I paste this config for example? In what configuration file?

service: harmony.change_channel
  entity_id: remote.tv_room
  channel: 200

Those examples are SICK! Can I just whack those straight into a lovelace custom card?

This SIR I want this haha!


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