Advanced motion light

New to HA. I’m coming from SmartThings with webcore. In webcore, I had most of my lights setup as follows:

When in night mode, motion sensor would not turn on light

When In day mode, motion sensor would turn on light @ 100%, then shut off 5 minutes after motion stops.

When In evening mode, motion sensor would turn on light @ 10%, then shut off 5 minutes after motion stops.

I also had a virtual switch for each room that would be used to deactivate the motion lighting. That way the lights stay on or off, without auto turning on or off. I might use this to keep the lights off while watching tv, or keeping the lights on if stationary at a desk.

In addition, I also had it setup so that if the light were on, and the setting to disable the motion sensor is off, and there was no motion for 30 minutes, it would turn the lights off, and turn the motion sensor back on so it starts activating lights again w motion.

It also does the opposite. If the light was off, and the setting to disable the motion sensor is off, and there was no motion for 30 minutes, it would keep the lights off and turn the motion sensor back on so it starts activating the lights again according to what the mode was set to, day, evening, night.

I defined a drop down list in HA for the different modes. I also came cross the blueprint yet another motion automation. This has most of what I’m looking for except that it doesn’t take the day, night, evening setting into consideration.

Thanks for any guidance the community can provide.

One of the options to add this timing might be using the Sun trigger Automation Trigger - Home Assistant with specific off-sets.
Or you could add a lux sensor to control the different modes.

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