On my Windows 10 desktop, I can’t get my Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 passed through VirtualBox to myHassOS 1.8 VMDK based VM. The VM has a USB 2 controller with a filter for the vendor and product ID’s. I’ve tried booting the VM after the USB device was connected to my desktop, connecting the USB to the desktop while the VM is running, removing, adding, etc. Nothing.
The secret here was to pass it as a serial device, not a usb device. When you connect the stick to Windows, go to device manager and note the COM port number it attached to. Then add a serial port in virtual box (“host device”, and set the com port to COM# where # is your com port number). Then update your HA yaml to point to the /dev/ttyS0 (or which ever device art ended up mapping to).
This thread is a bit old and JesseWebDotCom provided the working summary, but I figured I would add in step-by-step in case it helps somebody else fix this problem. In Windows device manager find the COM port for the Aotec device. For me it showed up under Ports (COM & LPT) and mine was at COM3.
COM3 is what I need to enable in the serial port settings within VirtualBox. And I selected Host Device for the Port Mode. (this community forum only allows 1 image for a new poster. I will try to reply to this post with a picture of the Virtual Box settings.)
Then I installed the Terminal & SSH add-on. See Home Assistant & SSH (Secure SHell) - YouTube for a quick video if you need help getting started there. I enabled the Show in sidebar option and can run when I need from the left sidebar
Run Terminal and execute ‘dmesg | grep tty’ for me that yielded ttyS2 and that is what I needed to feed into the home assistant zwave configuration.