Aeotec ZW089 Recessed Door Sensor Gen5

I’ve seen several older threads about this but nothing recent or definitive.

Has anyone got these to work properly?

I have a binary sensor for them, but it just shows “on” all the time no matter what.

I can see the Basic Set value changing from 255 to 0 and back when I apply the magnet, but as HA doesn’t pick that up it’s useless.

Did you change config parameter 121? Default is to send basic set instead of sensor binary.

Yes, and after many hours I finally figured it out. I’ll post screenshots once I’m home later this week.

To sum up, in order to change config parameter 121, it is necessary to wake up the sensor afterwards to get it to pick up the change.

Most of the info I found said to press the unit’s button “6 to 8 seconds” to wake it up, but this was wrong! It’s more like 10-12 seconds, in other words you have to keep the button held down until it goes from solid to FLASHING, then release.

I was afraid I’d trigger the un-join if I held the button too long, so I only did it the one time out of desperation.

Once I did that I saw a bunch of stuff from the sensor blows into the log, and if you look carefully you can see it pick up the change.

Again, I’ll post some screenshots when I can, but the important part for anyone trying to get these to work is you do NOT have to use OpenZwave Control Panel, which was a whole wild goose chase getting it to compile. You can make the needed change entirely in Home Assistant, which is great.


As noted in another post I got this worked by setting parameter 121 to 16. Documentation disagrees, but 16 made it work very correctly. And also first press that button for longer than you think you should.