Aeotech ZW162 Doorbell

I got the doorbell 6 on Wednesday and I have not been able to configure it through HA. I contacted Aeotec who also said that it can’t be done in HA until OZW 1.6 is available. There is some Windows software that they suggested I use but I run HA on a Raspberry Pi 4 so I currently have no way of configuring the doorbell.

It is sat in the box not being used as the default volume is enough to cause a local earthquake! Not great from Aeotec in my opinion - why make a consumer product that the consumer cannot easily configure?!

Not really Aeotecs fault really. The new zwave integration (with ozw 1.6) is in development and since one of the devs have a doorbell I expect it to be testable pretty soon.

That’s good news. My frustration is not with the status of ozw 1.6, more with Aeotec for releasing a product to the consumer with no easy way to configure the settings.

Well, that does entirely depend on your zwave hub of course. I’ve read it works fine with other hubs, it’s just a matter of Home Assistant not supporting it. If you mean that you should be able to configure it on the device it self somehow, that would be against it’s purpose as a siren.

It’s a doorbell. It’s sold as a doorbell, it’s purpose is a doorbell, not a siren. It should behave like a doorbell. If they have packaged up a siren as a doorbell with no consideration to the differences then again they are at fault, in my opinion.

You can configure the doorbell if you find a way to use OZW 1.6.

I think there are usable OZWCP v1.6 packages you can use.

You just can’t currently configure it using HA. It’s not Aeotec’s fault at all that HA hasn’t kept up with OZW updates.

Your frustration should be focused on a combination of OpenZWave, HA, and yourself. Aeotec released a product that implements and properly uses the ZWave control and command standard protocol for its device class, including but not limited to Central Scene, ZWave+, Secure node, and direct communication commands. Their devices work with current ZWave ecosystem products that are commercially available. HA and OpenZWave are opensource/community sourced that you have to do some configuring to put together and effectively simulate your own commercially available ecosystem. The developers of these two programs don’t get paid like the developers of the other ecosystems, if at all. So with a little patience, troubleshooting, and testing your doorbell will work with your homebrew setup. If you can’t be patient, go buy an all-in-one ecosystem where you’ll find your doorbell works just fine. Aeotec will not be blamed here because their product does work, you’re just using it in a non-standard and potentially unsupported ecosystem.

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Guess what? They did make it easily configurable. It’s HA with a old OZW that’s causing your problems. Nothing todo with Aeotec.

‘Easy’ is subjective. I appreciate your opinion but mine differs. Thanks for your interest in my post.

With the new 1.6 version i have managed to add it to home-assistant.
It looks like it is fully discovered.

I am however - not able to “interact” with it yet - all i have is “sensors” - but we are getting closer :slight_smile:

What new “1.6 version”?

HA still uses version 1.4 as far as I know.

Maybe we could understand your point if you plainly stated what you think Aeotec did wrong.

Hi All!
I am using the new beta version of the future z-wave integration:
the Open Z-Wave Daemon
Which uses the new ozw 1.6
I am still expecting it to be able to “sound the alarm” from within HA - at some point in the future - but right now it shows the different sensors only.

br Ronni

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Until HA implements support for sirens, you should be able to use MQTT commands directly to turn on the siren. I don’t know the exact syntax, but I think it’s the setValue command.

@loluk44 hi, did you have to define the rfxtrx device to recognise a specific activity. Mine is currently defined to enable transmission of lightwave, visonic and RFY signals using the RFXtrx433E device, or am i barking up the wrong tree (I thought this was a one way transmit device only).

Yes you need to make sure the correct protocols area enabled and also make sure you don’t have 2 protocols enabled that would create interferences with one another

@loluk44, right so I’m on the right lines, thanks for the reply, so 2 follow-up questions:

  1. What are the right protocols that I need to set in the RFXtrxMgr?
  2. The device number ‘0716004500910560’ how did you get this?

For three protocols you need to check the doc.

For the device I’d, set your config to debug on rfxtrx and you’ll see the Id coming up.

  default: error
    homeassistant.components.rfxtrx: debug

Alternatively set auto discover to true and a sensor will be created automatically

I have tried various ways og sending mqtt commands from the developer tools in HA - but i am still not able to make the siren play any tunes.

Have any of you guys succeeded in sending commands to the aeotec?

@lolouk44 I’d already checked the doc you point to, but couldn’t see anything obvious relating to the protocol appropriate to the Aeotec doorbell, hence the reason why i asked the question, do i need to bust the thing apart to find the chipset? or is this a case of having to try each and every protocol?