Again, Home Assistant Core and addons

you can use all kind of UIs.
the HA frontend (UI) is just 1 of the many possibilities.

you can for example also use HAdashboard from appdaemon for all needed input.

and the HA UI exposes stuff that might not be wanted, so i can imagine why people want to shut it down. (thats the reason why its possible to run HA without the UI)

allthough the way HA developed over time, the frontend is needed for so much that its hardly possible to use HA without the UI

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Hi everyone,

Hopefully I am in the right forum and among friends so please hear me out.

I use Home Assistant Core as a docker container on my Unraid server:

I have added HACS and benefit from those additional functionalities.

However, there are some things that are only available via the Add-On store.
For example, the Tailscale integration here.

The built-in Tailscale integration only gives me access to the Tailscale API for monitoring purposes.

What I really want is an easy way to have my HomeAssisstant instance join the tailscale network without manually installing tailscale in the container because I would then lose it in the next docker image update. In fact, I tried to manually install it but because it uses a heavily stripped down version of alpine, I wasn’t able to get it to work due to missing dependencies.

I am hoping someone here could help me somehow get the Tailscale Add-On to work on my Home Assistant instance (unlikely because I think it uses docker behind the scenes) or a simple install script that would work with Home Assistant Core. Any other ideas are also welcome.

Unfortunately you can’t install add-ons in a core/container install.

As an alternative you can install most programs that are equivalent or give you the same functions in docker on your own.

I use home assistant container and use wireguard as my VPN instead of tailscale- you can install Wireguard as a container in docker fairly easily. I wrote up detailed directions here

You should be able to install tail scale in docker as well - then docker will manage all the dependencies for you

Thank you but I don’t understand how installing Tailscale(TS) on docker helps me with my Home Assistand (HA) container. The HA container still won’t be on the TS network.

I already have TS running in docker on the same host as the one running HA Core container:


What I want is for TS to run in HA so that HA has a TS IP address and can talk to other TS devices using their TS IP addresses.