Air Sensor Integration with HA

Hi All
I am going to be purchasing an air purity sensor for my house and wanted to determine if any of the products I am considering have been previously integrated with HA. The products are:

I’d love your feedback on their ability to integrate or if you have used any of them.

Thanks in advance for all the help.

Hi, I would be interested as well. I want to connect an air quality sensor to control my ventilation system ( with heat recovery).
Another interesting option beside the one mentioned above is Xiaomi PM2.5

Maybe it is supported by the xiaomi gateway. Does anyone use an air quality sensor ?

Maybe a better question would be… What air quality sensors have people used within their homes and what automation have they put in place to help ensure acceptable air quality levels are maintained?

Thanks all…

Hi guys,
Just an update that Awair say they have opened up their API now, you can sign up here.

Now if some bright spark can integrate this with HA that would be great!