AirTag "integration" (user friendly + device tracker)

Hello @TiToTB

I got almost evrything working except the convertion.
I get this from the shortcut:

음이Bagagem de JoãoCasa • AgoraCamilaCasa • há 8 minMatildeCasa • AgoraPortátil NORDCasa • AgoraPessoasDispositivos(23+2+ConsigoConsigo0 km0 km

And in the device_tracker.airtag_X i get:

 	source_type: gps
latitude: 44.4509074
longitude: 9.1376638
gps_accuracy: 0
entity_picture: local/images/camila.png
icon: mdi:account-star-outline
friendly_name: airtag_Matilde

Basically it tells me that the airtag is as 1500km from my position.
How can i fix this location?


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Right now i think the best way to manage it is to identify what address triggers this mistake (probably with some place with the same name), and replace it with the right one.

Check 3.1 Management of wrong locations.

I have been checking but i havetn got sucess putting that to work.
Cant we limit the search of the adress to a certain country/city in the code?

I am afraid it is not that easy, as far as i got.

What problems did you find to replace the address? Have you identify the “wrong words” in the first place?

I couldnt find the wrong words, i have inclusive placed the full address with postal code.
If we could limit to a specific country or city would be much easier i think

This sounds very interesting. When running the shortcut automatically, is it visible to the user? I’d like to use my Son’s iphone to update his airtag location but not if the shortcut is visible when running.

To avoid errors, and since all locations are the kidergarden, school, and grandparents house, i have placed all locations on find my device, as favorites, and so i will have names on all locations.
I’d like to give the locations coordinates, how can i do this:

        {% if address == "Home" %}
          {% set home = "COORDINATES" %}
        {% else if address == "School" %}
          {% set school = "COORDINATES" %}
        {% else if address == "grandparents" %}
          {% set grandparents = "COORDINATES" %}

How can i do this in your code?

It appears with MacOS 14.4 (running beta 5) that they now encrypt the findmy cache file we all use to harvest the location data from airtags. No more free ride, can’t read the file any more.
yup That sucks


I just trigger my shortcut and it is still working :slight_smile:

Just follow the instructions here :point_up_2:

what version of MacOS are you running? Works fine until you upgrade to 14.4 which is not even GA yet.

I am not using any Mac, i use an iPhone

@TiToTB is it possible to make the shortcut take several screenshot of the specific address of an airtag?

As you know if device is no updated for a certain period of time the address is missing from dashboard but still visible in the specifig airtag menu. It would be great if we can parse this address instead the generic one.

Since there are some improvements to take, i’ll keep it in consideration to eventually make a 2.0 version!


i get an error in blueprint:

Error: string value is None for dictionary value @ data[‘dev_id’]

anybody know whats this about?

Probably, it means that the ‘id’ you are using doesn’t match the ‘id’ you have in your ‘knowm_devices.yaml’ file (you shouldn’t type ‘device_tracker.’)

Did you find a way to launch the shortcuts every x minute ?

Maybe i find something but only if you use a dedicated iphone/ipad for that:

On the shorcuts, add a 60 seconds delay before the “go to home screen”
On shorcuts app → automation, create an automation that execute your shorcut when app “Find” is closed.

And now, it’s like a loop, the shorcut is executing every minute.

Yep, if you have a dedicated device it is simple, just never lock the screen and watch the battery or keep it pluged :slight_smile:

I have another question
My input_text.airtag only returns the name of the street and not the city, so the geolocation is often bad and the airtag is located in a completely different city…
How to manage this?

If your street name matches another city, check how to manage wrong address in the guide, so you can avoid It