Airtag-like device for location tracking

I’m looking for a physical device to put in my sons backpack (he’s in nursery, not spying on him, checking that nobody stole him) and also one in my car. I need something like an airtag - but i need it to show on “Map” and used in automation. (also, not apple ecosystem)

  • not a phone, something smaller
  • HA integrated or supported
  • not dependent on bluetooth or wifi
  • doesn’t need charging every day

Any ideas on how to achieve this?


Isn’t that what we all want?
Last time I checked that device does not exist yet.

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Sounds like you want a GPS Tracker you can get them for roughly £50 on amazon from what i’ve seen not looked into them too deeply yet the one i came across looked like it was what you were after with a battery life of about 90 days

Which one has HA integration?

The Tile integration shows up on a map like this but its not the most accurate/up-to-date.

Did you find any capable device for that scope?

any updates, would love something like this as well

I think this approach may help you!