Akuvox SmartPlus - View door camera feeds, open doors and manage temporary keys

tried on another computer - same issue

As far as I know you should be able to register with 1 as the country code, and then your 10 digit phone numberā€¦not sure why itā€™s not working.

Thatā€™s odd. Perhaps an older version of mitmproxy will work for you?

Iā€™m trying an older version. Itā€™s more of a command console - does not have the search options you show

I am able to ā€œlisten to a portā€ on a browser though - but nothing returns when putting ā€œakuvoxā€ in the search

When you have the browser open and see mitmproxy that means itā€™s running. You need to configure your phone to use the proxy and then open the Akuvox SmartLife app to see the traffic in the browser.

I suggest you follow a tutorial/YouTube for how to use mitmproxy.

Spent a lot of time on this. Got mitmproxy working both on windows and on android phone. The ultimate issue iā€™m facing now is most apps including SmartPlus will not work while using the wifi that has the proxy set up on it. ā€œFailed to connect to the serverā€ is the error message when attempting to receive the SMS code while using the proxy.

Good to hear youā€™ve made progress with mitmproxy :+1:
If you see the traffic in mitmproxy in your browser when your phone is connected to it, I suggest you:

  1. Disconnect from mitmproxy on your phone
  2. Log in to the SmartPlus app
  3. Close the app
  4. Connect your phone to mitmproxy
  5. Launch the SmartPlus app

GM that is what was tried. The issue Iā€™m stating, is that once we are in ā€œmitmproxy modeā€ apps like SmartPlus does not connect to server at all (so unable to log in)

Could it be that once you are in ā€œmitmproxy modeā€ your phone is no longer connected to the internet?
Perhaps try browsing the web on your phone when connected to mitmproxy to check.

If you are still connected to the internet with mitmproxy, please try to

  1. Launch the SmartPlus app without mitmproxy
  2. Connect to mitmproxy
  3. Switch back to the SmartPlus app
  4. Swipe down to refresh and check the results in mitmproxy

It is connected to the internet with mitmproxy - it works in the browser.
Many apps donā€™t work with mitmproxy.
Google search shows this as an issue many face with apps and proxys perhaps it has to do with SSL pinning - but thatā€™s way above my scope of understanding.

Itā€™s strange that itā€™s not working for youā€¦as far as I know the application works the same for all users.
Are you using the SmartPlus app on an iPhone or Android device?

Android phone.
The app works just fine when not using the proxy.

Perhaps Android has elements of it networking which limits mitmproxy. Unfortunately I donā€™t have an Android to test on. Perhaps thereā€™s another tool other than mitmproxy which might be effective.

Good morning,
I tried on a different android phone.
So I was able to find the Token (not under server_listā€¦).
However am unable to find auth_token (or password) anywhereā€¦

Hey @DangerDave2020, thatā€™s good news!

When using mitmproxy, in the server_list request, do you see a x-auth-token in the request header? Otherwise, you might see a passwd field in the request body - if so, thatā€™s likely your auth_token string:

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 17.08.59

Nope there is no server_list request showing up

Try to navigate around the app and view the requests in mitmproxy. The auth_token is used in a lot of API calls so you should be able to find it with a little trial and error and digging.

There is something inherently not trusting the certificate with android apps - so itā€™s not showing requests properly (somehow I got 1 or 2 to sneak in)

I try to log in to the integration, I receive an SMS with the password, but after entering the password I receive the message:

"Invalid SMS code. Please enter the correct code"

. I have tried many times, created a new account, but the message is always the same.