it was due to new integration of Xiaomi Gateway in Home Assistant
You must add integration with Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara)… NOT XIAOMI MIIO
Network interface: any
IP: you device IP
Mac: your device mac
it was due to new integration of Xiaomi Gateway in Home Assistant
You must add integration with Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara)… NOT XIAOMI MIIO
Network interface: any
IP: you device IP
Mac: your device mac
I have vastly improved the AlarmSystem it now features:
I have removed the old xiaomi specific stuff in order to improve the code quality.
Thank you for sharing the latest version, I have been running the old version successfully for over a year.
There are few minor warnings in the new version though:
return self.__translation[self.__language][msg]
File "/conf/apps/alarm/", line 367, in translate
msg = self.translate("water_alert").format(self.get_state(entity, attribute = "friendly_name"))
File "/conf/apps/alarm/", line 721, in trigger_alarm_water_callback
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/appdaemon/", line 903, in worker
2021-12-13 13:56:18.851195 WARNING newalarm_system: Traceback (most recent call last):
“water_alert” should be “water_leak_alert”
File "/conf/apps/alarm/", line 851, in alarm_arm_night_auto_state_change_callback
TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable
should be
thanks for the feedback both issues should ne solved now…
Hi, your Alarm System is the best I tested, I use it from three years. You are great!
I would set a time in wich it is automatically disarned.
E.g. I need the alarm was disarned every Friday from 14.00 to 17.00 to pernit cleaning lady to work. Then it automatically is arned at 17. 00.
Can you add this feature?
I solved myself using the ‘guest mode’ with an automation.
I saw you published a new version of Alarm_System in wich there isn’t support for xiaomi gateway, now you use Alexa to dispay lights and voice commands.
All notifications about alarm light colour, warning, flash warning, siren, etc… are related to alexa?
Sorry for the late reply. Alexa is only used for voice output. The flashing light should work with any light component. I also support any siren which is accessible as on off switch.
Btw. the guest mode was build exactly for cleaners and babysitters or other people without knowledge of the alarm system.