Aldi Casalux Smart LED Corner Floor Lamp

Picked up this smart LED floor lamp from Aldi in Australia. Pulling it apart looks to be the PCB has an integrated Tuya module (see photo) which can be controlled using the Tuya Smart and Smart Life apps. Wondering if anyone has had any luck getting this working in ESPHome. User Manual cover page identifies it as Version 3 and the Model Number as IBM-2200 with a date of 10/2024.

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Photo of packaging the corner lamp came in.

I was walking past and bought it as an impulse. I tried to change its firmware with tuya-cloudcutter last night and spent 10 minutes and no success.
If you had any luck keep me posted.
P.S. I wouldn’t use tuya app to be sure whatever fw is in it wouldn’t get updated.

Thanks, I haven’t been able to get it flashed with tuya-cloudcutter either. Finding a post about this lamp on Elektroda, seems to be the previous version of this lamp had a CBU as opposed to what it has now.

I saw your post on the Detailed Guide on How to Flash the New Tuya Beken Chips with OPENKB7231T thread. Please let me know how you go if you try and flash it with Openbeken using the link Ferbulous provided in the response to your post.

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I’m in the same boat. Cloudcutter seems to support the 1.0.0 version of this device explicitly but not the 1.1.0 version which the current one seems to be. I will try to flash it directly and see what happens. P.S. Don’t put the metal rail into the base module if you ever want to remove it. I think I could lift a tank without it sliding out again.

EDIT: Does anyone know what the MCU actually is? It’s not clear from the label on it.

Maybe this helps.

Hi, I have managed to cloudcutter this lamp (CBU chip) and flash ESPhome to it. However the config i have for ESPHome doesn’t seem to be right, the only thing that does work is the brightness, which i found playing around with it as the default config did not work.

  - platform: libretiny_pwm
    id: output_red
    pin: P24
  - platform: libretiny_pwm
    id: output_green
    pin: P7
  - platform: libretiny_pwm
    id: output_blue
    pin: P8
  - platform: libretiny_pwm  #correct
    id: output_brightness
    pin: P6
  - platform: libretiny_pwm
    id: output_temperature
    pin: P26

This is what I have now. Has anyone got one of these to work with ESPHome?