Would be nice to have ability to reload ALERTs YAML configuration.
At moment see no such a link under ‘YAML configuration reloading’.
July 19, 2021, 3:12pm
I agree it would be nice if there was a reload option for the Home Assistant Alerts integration similar to the other YAML based configurations.
It would also be nice if alerts could be configured through the UI , (separate feature request thread).
I find it somewhat surprising that the Alerts integration isn’t more popular. The analytics say it is only currently used by 1.4% of home assistant users (a little over 800 installations at the time of writing).
Maybe I’m missing something obvious. I know the alert integration isn’t very flexible in terms of conditions, but they are nice and easy to get pretty good alerting functionality for important events with reminders, acknowledgements, etc.
How can this in July 2021 still not be possible…
This would increase the usage of this great integration massivley - at least for me speaking.
July 20, 2021, 12:24am
There are some requests (with far more votes than this one) that were made over a year ago (and longer) that have not been implemented. On rare occasions, a new request, with few votes, gets fulfilled relatively quickly. It all depends on the interest and availability of volunteers.
April 25, 2023, 11:49pm
Filed a pull request for a reload service; will see what the devs think:
← karwosts:alert-reload
opened 11:48PM - 25 Apr 23 UTC
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## Proposed change
Add a reload service for Alert integration. Allows alert changes in YAML to be quickly reloaded instead of requiring a full HA restart.
As I write more complex notifications for my alerts, having to restart HA each time to test the new yaml is painful, this would make it much more user friendly.
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- This PR fixes or closes issue: fixes #
- This PR is related to issue: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/alert-ability-to-reload-yaml-config/303996
- Link to documentation pull request:
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[quality-scale]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/next/integration_quality_scale_index.html
[docs-repository]: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
[perfect-pr]: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/review-process/#creating-the-perfect-pr
September 6, 2024, 2:29pm
is it true that we still can’t reload alerts? it seems I need to completely restart in order to see any changes…
September 6, 2024, 4:39pm
Multiple core developers have commented that alert integration is basically considered a dead-end and is destined to be replaced with something like blueprints.
No new features for alert
are being accepted at this time.
October 13, 2024, 11:18am
Yeah so where is the 1:1 blueprint replacement then dear core developers?
(Bart Kummel)
November 16, 2024, 8:49pm
It’s November 2024. The alerts feature is still there, still not reloadable, still not UI configurable. The blueprints replacement is also still not there…
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