September 12, 2024, 10:47am
The Alert integration now has three states: idle, on, and off. It would be useful to temporarily disable alerts or set up automation to disable/enable them. For example, you could enable an alert to close windows when it’s cold or raining outside, or enable an alert to open the terrace door only in winter.
September 12, 2024, 1:12pm
Be advised that the development team is no longer accepting enhancements for the Alert integration.
← disforw:patch-7
This is not a feature we should add to integrations. Filtering capabilities like… this, will quickly spiral out of control with dozens of variants.
Additionally, this has other flaw, as it relies on the set created at the point this integration and alert entity is initialized. As order of loading isn't guaranteed, it might miss the entities of an integration that is set up after this one.
That said, development on this integration is currently frozen and do not process changes for it, as the functionality of this integration can be achieved using an automation or automation blueprint.
Because of the above reasons, I'll go ahead and close this PR. Nevertheless, thanks for being willing to contribute 👍
← jhenkens:add-templates-and-scripts-to-alerts
Thanks for the PR!
The core team has discussed this PR. We don’t want to expa… nd the alert integration any further. Our future plans for this integration is to replace it with blueprinted automations. Once we have evolved our blueprint feature we plan to deprecate this integration.
Thanks for your willingness to contribute!
You may wish to examine the capabilities of the following custom integration:
Hi All,
I took a shot at improving alerting and would love to get feedback. I created a new component, Alert2 . The main features beyond what the existing Alert component does are:
Native event-based alerting. No need to approximate it with conditions and time windows.
Template conditions. No need for extra binary sensors. Also means the logic for an alert is in one place in your config file, which makes it easier to manage.
Snooze / disable notifications. Handy for alerts that fire frequentl…