Alexa - Emulated_hue (not discovering)


Im trying to use emulated_hue so that I can expose some switches to alexa rather than using intents. I have intents setup and working just fine for sensor data for the moment.

I have setup emulated hue on port 8300 and I can see the xml file and if i go to /api/pi/lights i can see the switches that I have exposed.

When scanning with the alexa app it finds nothing. I have done a search on the forums and seems a lot of people are having the same issue with this but no one seems to have a clear fix on this.

Have a missed a notice somewhere that this currently broken with a release in the works to fix it? Or has anyone got a defined fix to sort this? I have tried the fixes on all the posts I have found on the forum and none work.


This is definitely a HA problem as I have just done a new install and put in 3 light bulbs

Alexa won’t find them with Emulated_hue!

Can anyone help here? I don’t seem to be the only one with this issue unresolved…

What echo device(s) do you have?

Gen2, The latest one

I have my phillips bulbs currently working with Alexa via the physical hue hub. Id like to now get my HA switches for my MQTT lights into Alexa as well without having to add them via an intent where by I have to say Alexa, Ask home assistant.

Id rather say Alexa, Turn off the TV LED instead of Alexa, Ask home assistant to turn off the TV LED

Is that the only one. I"m almost going to guess its the same thing as with the show seeing as its newer. Echo show’s cannot use emulated_hue, they require the bridge to work. I ended up having to go the haaska route. I imagine this is going to be the case with the gen 2 as well. Right now options are the intents which suck like you said, i started there, or haaska till the official cloud skill for hass comes out which i know is being worked on.

I think ill wait for the cloud skill for now then if Gen2 is a known issue to not be working.

I can live with saying the invocation name for now

its not an issue, amazon is moving away from the v1 version of hue devices to v2 which is with the bridge. I can’t say what the timeline is for the cloud connectivity. Haaska isn’t too hard to setup actually. Biggest part is the SSL

The v2 doesn’t have the bridge, you’re thinking of the plus.

i know what i’m talking about v2 hue devices not echo gen2. v2 hue requires the bridge and its app to work.

Can we see the emulated_hue section of your configuration?

  type: alexa
  listen_port: 8300
  expose_by_default: false
    - switch

I have tried with and without the “type:” as well. I have also tried both expose_by_default to true and false.

I’m telling you guys its nothing he can fix. I had talked to amazon support who ended up filing a ticket with the alexa dev team who confirmed that the shows don’t work without the hue bridge for hue devices so i imagine that going forward thats going to be the case.

Is this thread/fix relevant?

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