Alexa - "I cannot play that on TuneIn."

Hi all, I’m using mini-media-player to send commands to my Alexa and play various radio stations with a push of a button - using TuneIn. Up until a month or so (can’t really be exact cause I haven’t listened to that radio station for a while) my Otvoreni radio played without issues using this:

- type: custom
name: Otvoreni
id: play Otvoreni on tunein

Now Alexa just says “I cannot play that on TuneIn.”. Weirdly, I have no problems with starting that specific radio station directly on my Alexa via TuneIn.

Does anyone know what could be the reason? Other radio stations (and I have around 30 of them) all play without issues.


Try with FM after the name of the radio. It works for me in a script :

alias: "Media : play Otvoreni on Office"
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_type: TUNEIN
      media_content_id: Otvoreni FM
      enqueue: replace
mode: single
icon: mdi:play

I had a similar issue here

That worked. I swear I tried that already and it didn’t work. I tried everything, Otvoreni Radio, Otvoreni Zagreb, Otvoreni Croatia, otvoreni frequency… Can’t believe I missed FM, thanks a lot!

It would be great if you could also find a way to play Sveriges Radio P1, P2 and P3. I can’t get those to play for the life of me…

Sveriges Radio P1 is available on TuneIn (if that’s the one you had in mind)

And it does work with this script for instance :

alias: "Media : play Sveriges Radio P1 on Dining"
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_type: TUNEIN
      media_content_id: Sveriges Radio P1
      enqueue: replace
      entity_id: media_player.dining
mode: single
icon: mdi:play

If I replace P1 by P2 in the script, a radio starts (in Swedish too it seems) but I don’t know if that is the one you’re expecting :confused:
Haven’t tried the others.